37. Paparazzis & Exposed

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You have a place in my heart
no one else ever could have


Harry's POV :

"Sometimes I think to myself 'is it really worth it?' but then I just do it anyways, you know?" Niall said out of the blue. I turned my head away from where I had been staring outside of the café we were sitting in and looked at Niall with furrowed brows.

"What the hell are you on about?" Louis asked him which made Niall roll his eyes.

"Never mind, you bitch." He muttered which caused Louis to hit him at the back of his head. I looked over at Zayn who sat next to me and he gave me a small grin as he shook his head at the two kids in front of us.

We had decided to meet up since it was awhile ago we just sat down and held a normal conversation, not that they're usually that normal.

It was thanksgiving last week and since Thea's parents were on vacation we just hung out at my place. She didn't seem to mind though, and she also told me that she would be going home for Christmas and I don't know why but I immediately felt my heart sink slightly.

I would miss her a lot.

I wasn't sure if I'd be going home to England this year, I usually do but Mum told me that they would be celebrating with Gemmas boyfriend's annoying family and I'm not sure I want to join in on that.

But what am I supposed to do in New York? Louis and Zayn are celebrating here and I know that they wouldn't hesitate a second to invite me. But Louis family is traveling here for them and I'd feel very awkward sitting there like a nobody.

So that's a no.

Niall is going back to Ireland, at least for now. You never know with him, he could change his mind in the last second and join some random one night stand instead.

Still, I would be happy to stay out of both.

Liam is going home to England and there's really no point for me to go with him since I could just celebrate with my own family if I travel that far.

And then it leaves my beautiful girlfriend who's going back to Arizona. Is it weird if I ask to come with her? I'd really like to meet her parents but maybe it's too soon?

Too soon my ass. We've been a thing since September and I've known her since the end of May.

Okay, maybe that's not that long. But honestly, I didn't really give a fuck. I like her a lot. More than I've ever liked anyone in my life and I want to make her happy. Do I sound clingy if I say that I don't think I would be able to be without her for that long over Christmas? Probably.

I'll figure it out though, even if it ends up with me staying in and eating pizza on Christmas Day.

"What Disney Princess or Prince would you smash?" Niall suddenly spoke up once again with another weird question of his. Sometimes I wonder what actually goes on in that fucking head of his.

"What kind of question is that?" I asked with pulled together eyebrows.

"Shut up, definitely Aladdin." Louis answered as he sent a wink to Zayn and I wanted to gag at his sappy gesture.

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