18. Penthouses & Annoyance

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Hehe enjoy :)

Thea's POV :


I felt my eyes widen at Harry's statement. Maya was here, with the guy she introduced to Liam as her new boyfriend.

She's only here to rub it in his face, but I won't let her. This is his fucking birthday party, and he is actually happy, and I won't let her ruin that, and I know that the boys will help me.

"We obviously can't let her talk to him." Louis suddenly spoke up, and I nodded my head in agreement.

"Yeah, it'll ruin his whole birthday." Harry stated with a sad frown.

"Well, we can try to distract her till midnight, then it's not his birthday anymore." Niall said with a proud smile, earning him a slap at the back of his head from Louis.

"No, idiot. We need to make them leave the party." Louis exclaimed, and Harry looked like to be in deep thought. How the hell are we gonna get her out of here without catching Liam's attention?

"Maybe we should just talk to her?" I said with a shrug, making the other boys shake their heads.

"You definitely haven't met Maya." Louis stated.

"Well, she clearly haven't met Thea Lewis either, so it's a win-win." I smirked which made Harry whip his head to me with wide eyes. I raised my eyebrows at him wondering why he was looking at me like that.

"That's genius. Maya doesn't know Thea, and we can use that against her." Harry said in a quiet tone so that we wouldn't get any unnecessary attention.

"Guys, we're not killing her." I dumbfounded them with a smirk. Harry snickered which made me laugh lightly.

"Right, but we need to come up with something." Louis drifted off as he started thinking.

"It feels like we're in one of those TV-shows, you know?" Niall said excitedly. I rolled my eyes playfully and chuckled.

"I've always loved those shows! Like CIA!" Harry agreed with Niall sounding extremely passionate. I raised my eyebrows at them with a teasing smile, but I didn't say anything.

"Yes! That's one of the best!" Niall gasped with a joyful smile. I shook my head at them and looked over at Maya..but she wasn't there anymore. I quickly scanned my eyes over the room and I thankfully found Maya, bad thing, though, is that she's heading straight towards Liam.

I hastily jumped out of the barstool and took a hold of Harry's arm dragging him with me. We never came up with a plan, that's why I needed to figure one out now. Harry looked at me in confusion, but once he saw Maya he understood immediately. He swayed a bit as he walked due to the alcohol in his body, but I kept a steady hold on him so that he wouldn't fall.

I turned my attention to Liam to see if he had seen Maya yet, which to my relief he hadn't. He was busy talking to Amelia about something, so I took this as my cue to get rid of Maya.

"Pretend that you like her." I whispered to Harry as we got closer to Maya and the blonde dude.

"What? Why?" He asked in confusion.

"Just go with it Harry!" I said in annoyance as we now reached Maya.

She looked at Harry with wide eyes and then at me with a confused look. Bingo.

"Oh my god! Hi! I've heard so much about you." I faked gushed with a big smile. Maya seemed extremely taken aback by our presence, which was exactly what we needed.

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