48. New Years & Rooftops

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I only sleep
to dream of forever
with you


Thea's POV :

It's New Years Eve, another year about to come to an end. A really good year.

2019, the year I found out it wasn't impossible to fall in love again after Josh. Speaking about Josh, this year also taught me that everything that happened between us was completely his fault, I spent years blaming myself, but not anymore. He was an asshole, and I did not deserve to be abused by him.

In a way I wish I could see him again, just to tell him how much he ruined my life, to get some closure. But I wouldn't do that to myself, he's gone now, and the last thing I'd want was to bring him back into my life. I'm finally happy, and I wouldn't want Josh to ruin everything once again. I don't even know where he is, last I heard from him he was somewhere in Europe, and hopefully he'll stay there.

It was also the year I met Harry. My Harry. I couldn't tolerate him at first, I'd heard so much about him and I was naïve and believed the rumors. But behind that fuckboy wall he put up, he was a sweetheart. He was very full of himself and thought that I'd be one of those girls he used to hook up with, that's why when he came onto me on set when we first met - I thought he was exactly how I'd pictured him. Turned out all I had to do was turn him down to make him go crazy, and now he's all mine.

So 2019 was a good year for me, and I'm quite sad it's about to come to an end. Everyone was extremely hyped for the new year - it was a new decade, the 10s were over. Personally I felt like people were jinxing 2020 too much, everyone kept saying how great it was going to be, that it's probably gonna turn out quite shit. But hey, what do I know. I'm still excited to party though compared to Harry.

Or he did want to party, but once we got back to New York he became quite pissed. Niall had talked about for awhile how he was throwing an amazing New Years party, but it seemed like he had forgotten to tell Harry that he was using his penthouse and his rooftop as the location. And when Harry told him to move it to his own apartment his response was "But nobody wants to celebrate the new year in Queens! We have to be in Manhattan, and Harry mate, your castle for a penthouse will be perfect."

With other words, Niall had already planned everything and there was no chance Harry would be able to get him to move it. Which is why he's currently being a grumpy idiot, just sulking around the penthouse while the boys prepare for the party that's about to start soon. I sat at one of the barstools behind the kitchen island and smirked to myself at the scene unfolding in front of me.

Louis and Liam were putting up some LED-lights around the ceiling that would look 'so fucking cool' in their words. They said in beforehand that they would do the whole first floor, but then after about an hour of work they decided to just put it around the extremely big open planned room/entrance. I don't even think Harry has a name for that room, maybe big living room? I don't know, I wouldn't be surprised if it was named something totally random.

Zayn was preparing food and drinks, which was a lot of small appetizers. The drinks however consisted of a lot of beer, tequila, whiskey, champagne, wine, vodka and a very big punch bowl.

Niall was multitasking between fixing the sound system and bossing everyone else around. I had been upstairs in Harry's room getting ready so thankfully I was out of duty. I wore a long black dress with a very deep v-cut as well as two high slits showing off my new tanned legs from the Bali trip.

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