46. Christmas Day & Rings

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The best Christmas gift
is to realize how much
you already have


Harry's POV :

"Harry , darling?" I heard Thea's mum call for me in the kitchen. It was Christmas Day and she was preparing our big lunch while me and Thea had just gotten ready for the day, and Michael was at the airport picking up Thea's aunt and her cousin who would also spend their Christmas with us.

I was actually quite excited to meet them. Thea had told me that her cousin was only twelve and apparently a big fan of mine, and according to my beautiful girlfriend this twelve year old had a huge crush on me - Thea's words not mine.

"Coming!" I responded and kissed Thea's cheek quickly before leaving her in the living room and walking to the kitchen where Carina was. She smiled when she saw me and complimented my outfit that consisted of a striped shirt with a pair of white trousers.

"Could you be an angel and help me cut some of the vegetables?" She asked and I nodded immediately

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"Could you be an angel and help me cut some of the vegetables?" She asked and I nodded immediately.

"Of course." I answered and walked up to the counter where Carina had laid out a knife and the root vegetables she wanted me to cut. The low Christmas music hummed in the background as we stood in a comfortable silence cooking. That was until she put the turkey in the oven and turned to look at me with a glim in her eyes.

"I'd like to thank you." She spoke up and I stopped cutting the vegetables to look at her with a small frown. Thank me? What have I done?

"For what exactly?" I questioned and she smiled slightly at my words while shaking her head.

"For taking care of my daughter." Carina answered, the confusion I felt must've been noticeable on my face, because before I even had time to ask she continued. "You know she hasn't been here since Christmas last year? Thea always came home often ever since she moved out when she was eighteen, every birthday or holiday, she was always home. But when she met Josh she stopped coming, and even after they broke up the only occasion she would be back for was Christmas." She started explaining and I felt my jaw clench at the mention of Josh. God, I hate that poor excuse of a man.

"She lost that spark that made her Thea, that happiness and warmth only she could provide you with. As a mother that was a very hard time for me, I missed my daughter, even when she was here it felt like she was miles away. I tried, Michael tried, but she just wouldn't let us in. As I'm sure you're very much aware of Thea is a stubborn woman, and she closed herself off completely." Carina said and I chuckled slightly at her wording of Thea's stubbornness. I thought I was stubborn until I met her, that girl knows what she wants and won't budge a second till she gets it. But overall the things Carina was telling me made my heart hurt, not only for her but also for Thea. I knew how lonely she felt at the time, and it kills me that we hadn't met earlier so I could've been there for her.

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