2. Early mornings & Kimonos

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Thea's room ^^

Thea's POV :

"Okay, so if I got this straight you're having a photoshoot with Harry Styles on Thursday at Gucci.." Amelia started, pronouncing Gucci a little more firm. "..and you're mad about it?" I sighed realizing how selfish it sounds.

"I'm not mad." I started and Amelia gave me a knowing look. "Okay, maybe I am mad but it's only because I really don't want to do this whole duo photoshoot." I explained while falling back on my bed we were both currently sitting on.

"I understand Tee, I do. But shouldn't you see this as a great opportunity instead of some big nightmare shoot?" Amelia said with a small smile. I know she's right, she always is. I should be a lot more grateful for this shoot, but I already know that Harry is gonna be a hell to work with. You can tell that this guy has an ego bigger than his brain.

If this shoot would've been with someone else I'm sure I wouldn't feel this bad about it. But sadly it's still with the one and only, Harry Styles.

"It's not a nightmare, I just wasn't prepared for this to happen in three days." I answered as I sat back up again.

"Well, you don't know this guy, he could be a genuine kind gentleman." Amelia shimmed. I looked at her with raised eyebrows and she just shrugged.

"Right, my expectations are sky high." I said, sarcasm filling my voice. Amelia laughed and shook her head.

"Now we're talking. And even if he is a dick, then just suck it up for the day." She said with a small smile.  "And I don't mean to suck up his dick, or well, unless you want to." Amelia teased. I giggled and felt my phone vibrate next to me. I looked down and saw a text from Joanna.

"Location for the photoshoot on Thursday; Rosegolds Garden, NY.
Be there at 8AM, not a minute late. Good luck, I'll call you on Wednesday xx"

"Who was it?" Amelia asked as she curiously looked over my shoulder.

"Joanna, I got the location for the shoot." I answered with a sigh. "Apparently we're gonna be in a garden." I said with faked excitement. Amelia chuckled at my attempt to sound happy about it.

"Well, doesn't that sound romantic!" Amelia giggled. I rolled my eyes playfully and saved the location in my phone.
"Who knows, maybe he'll be on his best behavior on Thursday?" She pointed out, and I guess she was right.

"Let's hope so at least." I replied hopefully.

This photoshoot could either go smoothly and good or it could go horribly and chaotic. I'm hoping for the first option.

I really wonder who this Harry Styles guy is? I mean I know who he is I haven't lived under a rock, but is the famous spotlight Harry everything there is to know about him? I don't think so, well I definitely don't hope so, because if that's the case I'm gonna have a hell of a day on Thursday.

Under all my disliking towards him, I look a tiny bit forward to be meeting him, I wanna see if all his pictures are photoshopped or if he actually looks that good.

Because if he does, lord have mercy on me.

Harry's POV :

This better be fucking important, I had to wake up at 7AM to get down to the office, and I'm not a morning person.

Niall, my manager, called me this morning telling me that I need to get down there for a quick meeting. Why we needed to have this meeting so fucking early I had no idea.

Currently I was jumping out of my Range Rover and walking into the Gucci headquarters in New York. I saw the receptionist, who I've never cared enough about to learn her name, give me a flirtatious wave. I just ignored her and walked to the elevator. I mean, I'm used to it, and I'm pretty sure I've fucked her as well, or maybe not, I can't remember.

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