9. Hangovers & Flashbacks

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Thea's POV :

I woke up with the feeling of somebody hammering on my head.
Sadly it was just an awful hangover. I had yet to open my eyes, cause I could already feel the sunlight through the window that would blind the shit out of me once I opened them.

I'm trying to remember why I didn't close the curtains, but honestly, my memory from last night has pretty much vanished. See, this is why I don't drink alcohol usually, I just can't handle it.

And this bed is horrible, my back is hurting, and I feel like I'm about to fall off any second. I rolled over and I crashed right into a soft wall, I repeat, a soft wall. This confused me utterly and I immediately opened my eyes, bad mistake.

My eyes squinted at the sudden light, which only worsened my headache. But after around ten seconds of only seeing white, my sight returned.
I soon came to the realization that the so called 'soft wall' was the backrest of the couch, I for some weird reason was sleeping on.

I sat up and looked around, this wasn't my room..no, this was way bigger. I panicked and looked down at my body, and thank god, I was still wearing my dress from last night, great, nobody took advantage of me, but that still didn't explain who's room I was in.

Suddenly I heard voices coming from somewhere else in the room, I whipped my head around and saw Louis and Zayn standing there building up a makeup table. Relief washed through me once I realized I was in their room.

"Look who's finally decided to join us!" Louis stated with a big smile as he looked over at me. I yawned and fell back against the couch.

"What time is it?" I asked quietly, since it felt like my head was going to explode if I said it any louder. Zayn chuckled lightly as he walked over to me, and sat down on the edge of the couch.

"It's two pm." Zayn said as he looked at me with a kind smile. My eyes widened at his words, how long have I slept for?
"Hey, you're fine, we brought up a baguette for you from the breakfast downstairs, and you have an hour before you have to put on that lovely smile of yours and get ready."

I groaned and closed my eyes again. I can barely stand the sound of anyone's voice, and I'm supposed to be at a fucking fashion event with music and people all over the place. Well, on the bright side, I'm not gonna walk the runway tonight, so I can keep myself in the shadows most of the night.

"Cmon, time for you to eat." Zayn stated as he took a hold of my arm and pulled me up into a sitting position. He reached over to grab the baguette that was laying on the coffee table, and gave it to me. I said a quick 'thank you' and then started eating it silently, more like nibbling on it, let's just say that my appetite wasn't on point.

"So, do you remember anything from last night?" Louis asked from across the room with a wide grin. Zayn shot him a death glare, but Louis just shrugged. I looked confused between them before I slowly shook my head.

"Not really, is there something I should know?" I asked with a small frown. My question made Zayn squirm uncomfortably in his seat, and Louis to burst out laughing.

"Hey, okay let's save this conversation for later." Zayn said while sending a scolding look towards Louis.

"Nah, I think we should tell her before Harry does." Louis replied with a smirk. No, no, no,no!! Nothing that has to do with Harry, please.

"Louis!" Zayn gasped.

"What?" Louis chuckled in response. "I wanna see her reaction!"

"Uhm..guys I'm sitting right here, you know?" I spoke up which made them both snap their heads back to me.

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