3. Styling & Weird conversations

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Rosegolds garden ^^

Thea's POV :

The day was finally here. The day I've been dreading all week has arrived. Thursday. And it was time for the photoshoot.

I shaved my entire body last night since I've got no idea what I'll be wearing today, and I woke up at six just to make sure I will get there in time.

My morning was based on stress, nerves and Amelia trying to calm me down. It's my first ever Gucci shoot and it's a cover-shoot, that fact definitely doesn't help to ease my anxiety.

Currently I'm in a cab on my way to the location we're having the photoshoot at. I didn't want to risk getting lost if I drove by myself, so I called a taxi instead. The driver just told me that we were only a couple of minutes away from the garden, and I already felt my anxiety coming back.

Thea, don't be stupid. This is easy. Remember the rules.
1. Don't fall for his charm.
2. Keep it professional.
3. Be on your best behavior.

Yeah that's about it. Those were all the things Amelia told me. And I knew what she meant with the third one. I can never shut my mouth if I disagree with someone and since Harry is already getting on my nerves without even meeting him, I would probably not be very nice, and I'm pretty sure that Amelia wants me to keep my job, so I appreciate her list.

The cab suddenly came to a stop and I realized that we had arrived. I paid the driver and took a deep breath before I opened the car door and walked out. I was immediately met by a strong smell of flowers, and I loved it. I looked around and it was gorgeous. I could totally imagine Gucci doing a photoshoot here.

I saw about seven trailers in front of me, and it was a lot of people around me, but nobody seems to have caught my arrival yet. I walked more towards the trailers and saw that they were all named different things. The one right in front of me had 'camera equipment' written on a board on the door. Well that is definitely not the trailer I'm supposed to be in.

"Excuse me, Miss. Are you Thea Lewis?" A woman who looks to be in her thirty's asked me. I turned around to face her with a smile.

"Yes, that's me." I replied and she gave me a bright smile. Then the woman took my arm and led me towards another trailer, I was a bit stunned by her quick movements but I just followed.

"Great! My name is Maggie and I'll be your assistant for today." She said as she opened a trailer with my name on it. The trailer looked a lot bigger on the inside, it had a kitchen full of snacks for me to eat between shoots and a big couch.

I looked around a bit while Maggie typed something on her phone. One thing I hate about photoshoots is the stress, everyone is always stressed, people drag you left and right and you're basically just a rag doll. It's honestly exhausting.

"Okay, so the schedule is very tight today, so we're gonna get you straight to hair and makeup." Maggie explained and I nodded my head. Getting styled for a photoshoot is actually something I enjoy a lot, I just love getting to look my very best. I still don't get how some people are good at makeup, I'm awful at it, which is another reason I love getting it professionally done.

"And after you're done there you go straight to the closet-trailer where the stylist is, okay?" Maggie asked with a small stressful smile.

"Yes, it works perfectly fine, thank you." I said as I left the trailer and started looking for the one with 'Hair/makeup' on it. After a very short hunt I found it. It was at the very far end, and the closet one was right next to it. Simple. I love when they make it simple.

I walked up to the trailer and knocked carefully and after about ten seconds it was opened by a very handsome man wearing black dress pants and a black t-shirt. He smiled warmly at me and grabbed my arm and dragged me inside the trailer. He sat me down in a chair in front of a big mirror and stood behind me while making eye contact through the reflection.

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