31. The Past & Tears

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Scars may fade
but they last forever.


TW: Mention of abuse and drug use.

Thea's POV :

Music was blasting throughout the apartment as Amelia and I were cleaning. Once a month we always clean the whole apartment, just because otherwise we get too lazy and we never do it.

So on the last day of every month we have a cleaning day, which is what we're currently doing.

Or well, we're pretty much done, so now we're just dancing around like lunatics to the music. Moments like these are my favorite with Amelia. I wish we could spend the whole night doing this but she has a shift at the restaurant in about an hour.

When the opening of 'I Want It That Way' by the Backstreet Boys started playing I immediately jumped up on the couch and pretended to have it as my stage.

I sang along into my imaginary microphone while Amelia was dancing around doing some weird moves that made me laugh a couple of times.

I had just gone into the second chorus of the song when an all too familiar voice spoke loudly over the music. I whipped my head to the front door where he was standing with a big smirk on his face.

"Didn't know there was a concert in here." Harry chuckled and I smiled brightly at the sight of him. I love when he turns up unexpectedly, it always makes my day so much better.

I reached for my phone that was connected to the loudspeaker and turned down the volume so that I wouldn't have to shout. Then I made my way over to Harry and greeted him with a quick kiss.

"Hi, what are you doing here?" I asked as I closed the front door behind him. I realized that he actually haven't been inside our apartment which is weird since I hang around his all the time.

"Thought I'd stop by and spend some time with you tonight. And I wanted to see the apartment in real life instead of FaceTime." He replied as he shrugged his coat off.

"Well, it's lovely to have you here, Styles." Amelia stated as she sat down on the couch.

"I know, I have a great energy." He joked as I grabbed his hand and led him towards the couch as well. We sat down and I could see the grin on Amelia's face when Harry put his hand on my thigh.

"So..how's Liam?" She asked, and I was honestly a bit surprised that she wondered. I mean she definitely haven't been Liam's biggest fan lately.

"He's good, I think he's in Miami at the moment for something with Hugo Boss." Harry answered, earning a small nod from Amelia.

I felt the slight awkward tension at the subject of Liam, since Harry knows his part of the story and I know Amelia's.

I wish more than anything that they would both just either talk about it or get the fuck over it. It's starting to drain a bit on me as well, but I can't complain. Amelia was there for me when I needed her the most, and I can't even imagine how exhausted she must have been.

"Uhm..have you guys talked yet?" Harry asked carefully. She gave him a tight lipped smile and shook her head.

"No, I'm pretty sure we want different things. So there's really no point." She responded with a small shrug.

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