10. The Sun & The Moon

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The runway at the event ^^

Thea's POV :

The car ride was pretty silent, it wasn't an uncomfortable silence, but it was definitely silent.

I was freaking out on the inside though, it's not everyday that I find myself in a limo, and I'm trying to memorize everything.

Harry haven't said anything about last night yet, I'm sure he wasn't nearly as drunk as I was, so he probably remembers. I can't believe that my drunk self actually wanted to sleep with him, or well, maybe I can believe it, ever since the incident at the photoshoot I've been a tiny bit curious of how it would be like to just let Harry have his way with me.

But I won't do that.

I'm not that dumb, I know that it would be a mistake, so I guess I should just leave it up for my imagination.

We've been in the car for twenty minutes, apparently the event was outside of Rome, but it was close to the ocean, and I love the ocean. The clock was a bit past six, which meant that we were late, but we're so called 'fashionably late'.

Finally the limo pulled over in front of a big typical Italian building, it was a long white carpet rolled out from where we're being dropped off and to the entrance. Oh, and I forgot to mention that there's a shit loads of people behind barricades, screaming.

I don't think I'll ever get used to 'fans' screaming my name, it just feels completely surreal, even though most people are here to see Harry, but I don't blame them, he looks amazing on paper, but it's not even close to how good he looks in real life. And I definitely feel the pressure of having to walk next to him down the carpet.

Just breathe, Thea, everything will be fine.

Suddenly the driver opened up the car door and Harry was the first one to step out, once he got out he smoothed down his suit and waved at the overly excited girls, who were screaming his name at the top of their lungs.

I chuckled a little to myself. It's honestly the most adorable thing to see someone get so happy, all because of another person. Even though it's hard to believe, Harry is a normal man, well except his very handsome appearance that isn't very average, but apart from that he's a normal person, okay, maybe the numbers in his bank account isn't classified as normal, but he's a human being, with emotions, even though he isn't that great at showing it.

He has this whole fuckboy persona, but I think that's only an image he has, so that he doesn't have to let millions of people know the real him, the vulnerable side of Harry Styles. He seems like a nice and playful guy under the hard shell he's wearing, and maybe, just maybe, I would've actually liked the guy under the shell.

When a hand came into my view, I looked up. Harry stood there at the door, as I still sat in the limo. He held out his hand for me to take with a small smile on his face, I hesitated slightly before I laid my hand in his.

"Let's do this." Harry said lowly as he helped me out of the car, and once I got out I really got to see how many people that were standing outside. I grew a bit nervous, I don't really know why, I just didn't really expect this, I guess.

I let go of Harry's hand, so that nobody would get the wrong idea on our so called 'friendship'. We then started walking down the white carpet as many paparazzis snapped pictures of us, and the fans screaming even louder than before.

It wasn't the type of carpet where you stopped for some photographers to take pictures of you, here you were just supposed to walk up to the entrance, and then you were done.

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