14 | Don't Blame Me

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"What are you doing here?"

Chanyeol narrowed his eyes at Taehyung, and climbed down the car as he walked to the scene, swiftly hiding Wendy behind him. She noticed his movement, but didn't comment. Her husband had never liked to care for her, and this gesture probably was in her head.

"Hello, Wendy." Taehyung ignored him, and stared at her. "My my beautiful, am I not getting a hug today?" He asked. "I have lived with you for eight or nine or was it ten? years before I shifted to Incheon. Don't I deserve it?" He stood at the border.

Clueless, Chanyeol looked back and forth between the two, and frowned. Rolling her eyes, Wendy walked around Chanyeol to stand in front of Taehyung and took a deep breath. "I seriously would have hugged you if you were the same person as you were years ago."

"I wonder what made me change?" He placed a finger on his chin, and acted as if he was wondering about it seriously, but she knew that he was just being sarcastic.

"Capo Byeongsa!" Baekhyun smiled, and then his eyes fell on the other side, and he waved at Taemin. "Hello, old friend! You have met your child bride? Yeji, right?"

"Fuck off, Baek." Taemin showed him his middle finger. "You know she has been promised to me years ago as a treaty."

"Just saying." Baekhyun shrugged. "Taehyung had your territory under him, but now you've finally shook hands with him. Good," he said, and Taemin looked away, muttering a series of curses.

Wendy stared at Taehyung, and froze when he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her. "Oh sweet sister! Such a great gem you are." He leaned close to her ear, and whispered, "You're the cruelest woman I've ever met, and I promise you, I will do whatever I can to walk pass you in that race." He moved back, and smiled. "You're my inspiration."

Chanyeol growled, and pushed Taehyung away, not knowing what was the actual relationship between the two. "What do you think you're doing?" He asked, and Taehyung chuckled. "What?" he bit out.

"Poor guy, you don't know our relationship, do you?"

"Don't fuck with him, Tae!" Wendy hissed. "It's in the past," she said and glanced at Jimin, their bodyguard. "Get him to home." Before Chanyeol could realize what she meant, Jimin grabbed Chanyeol, and dragged him into the car, ignoring his struggles, and the car drove away. "Now, what were you saying?" She turned back to the newly appointed Capo.

"You know what I took as an oath when I accepted the throne?" Taehyung looked at Baekhyun, and smiled. "Whereby I was to say, that should I betray the organization, my flesh would burn like this saint."

"I know." Baekhyun nodded.

"And, still you dared to offer me to give up Byeongsa for your rule," Taehyung asked. "Really, brother?" He raised his eyebrows. "Never took you for a fool. Damn! You really made me say duh!" He took out the drafter document from his pocket, and tore it down.

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