36 | Fearless

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Baekhyun crouched down.

"Hi." He grinned, and she rolled her eyes and grunted when felt the rope cutting through her skin. Her hands were tied tightly behind her back. "It's hurting, right? The more you move the more it'll hurt."

She stared at him. "What's wrong with you?" Her eyes hardened and she crawled away from his touch when he tried to reach out to her. "You kidnapped me."

"Isn't that what you wanted?" Baekhyun smirked, and there was something in his eyes that brought her back to the night when they had first met. The cold Sal-inja heir she had met years ago. Ruthless. It wasn't the guy who had asked her to trust him and held her hand.


"Jongin has been shot." He raised his eyes to meet hers. "Was this included in your little plan too?" he tilted his head and she frowned. "Come on, lie to my face that you don't know what I'm talking about."

"I-" Hera frowned but unconsciously jumped when the door opened and Krystal and Wendy entered the room. Now, she was scared. It was not how she had seen it. Her eyes watered as she raised them to stare at Baekhyun, the one man she had trusted her entire life.

Don't break my trust.

His smile was teasing as he hovered over her body as he untied her hands and pulled her up to her feet. "Say hi to girls, come on." He pushed her to them, and she flinched when Krystal came to her first. The brunette flicked her forehead.

"How does it feel to come back to the square one?" Krystal glared at her and again flickered her head. Hard. "Your little bitch's bitch shot my husband. Were you involved too? Huh?"

"Of course, she is." Wendy came to Hera, smiled and then raised her hand to slap her, but Baekhyun held it in mid air. "Oops! She's going to be a capo's wife, can't slap her now, can we? Dear Capo?"

Baekhyun pushed her hand away and glanced at Hera. "Show respect sisters." His tone was anything but kind as he threw an arm around Hera's shoulder and she stiffened. "Did you get the papers?" he looked at Wendy, and she nodded.

A guard entered into the room with some papers, and Hera's mind ran into a thousands of scenarios, still couldn't wrap her mind around the things that were happening. What was the trio planning to do? Baekhyun went to the wall and signed the paper. Krystal grabbed Hera's arm and took her there as she was given a pen. "What are you-"

"Marriage papers." Baekhyun held her hand holding the pen. "Come on, sign it. We're getting married. Right now." He grinned, and she paled visibly. His grip tightened on her arm when she delayed the signature. "Do it." His eyes turned angrily on her, and she immediately signed the papers.

"Congratulations!" Wendy spun on her heels and Krystal glared at the couple, pissed. Baekhyun cupped Hera's face, and kissed her lips as she stood there stunned. "Go. Go. Go. Now, enjoy the wedding night." She hushed them out, and Baekhyun gave her a finger as she winked. She watched them walk away.

"Your husband is still in Byeongsa cell. You remember that, right?" Krystal crossed her arms. "Are you not worried?"

"Taehyung won't harm Chanyeol. I've something over him." Wendy smiled to herself. "His little secret. His identity. Joy won't let him take risk in this matter." She glanced at Krystal, who raised her eyebrows and shrugged.

"Good going then."

On the other side, Hera walked with Baekhyun by her side, stiff as they came in front of the house. Her home from now on. The scary store house/whatever basement was it, haunted her as she glanced over her shoulder to stare at it across the mansion.

"Come back to the earth," Baekhyun whispered in her ear, as they climbed up the steps. Hera raised her head to meet his stare and found those striking blue eyes looking coldly at her, "Everyone is looking."

Her eyes darted around the entrance and she realized that he was right. Her lips curved in the sweetest and most fakest of smiles, "Is this okay dear husband?"

"Perfect, my woman." His eyes were fierce as he looked at her, "Hello everyone. This is my wife here, Hera." he announced as soon as they reached the living hall, and the house staff bowed.

Wendy came there too, and watched the couple closely. "Congratulations Capo Sal-inja." She clapped and others joined.

"It's time you start making an effort," Baekhyun said when Hera scowled again. "I won't tolerate disrespect." He bit out harshly before leaning down and taking her lips in a searing kiss. Hera could hear people clapping around them but she didn't care, the only thing in her mind at the moment was how amazing his lips felt against hers and how angry that made her feel.

"Fuck off."

"We'll be doing that a lot now."

Her blood boiled with rage at the contemptuous way he spoke to her, she tried to pull free of his embrace but he stopped her and pressed her body closer to his. "Leave me alone," she hissed, but he only smiled and pulled her upstairs.

As they entered the bedroom, Hera turned to him, but he was still facing the door, taking his sweet time to lock it. Her thoughts were all over the place, but she held her ground, ready to give him a peace of mind. Baekhyun stood still by the door, and she frowned when he wouldn't love from there. Curious, she went close to him, but he at once gestured her to stay silent. Then the footsteps outside the room walked away, and Capo sighed in relief.

Realisation settled on Hera's face, it didn't take a genius to figure out why he was behaving that way downstairs. She turned him to face her. "Tell me, you're acting. You were acting in front of Wendy and others to punish me. Right? Tell me what is going on in your mind."

"Taehyung fooled me." He sighed. "That bastard told me he had broken the deal, and you were going to get married to that old man."

"That's not true-"

"I know that now. He tricked me." Baekhyun cupped her cheek. "He kept the end of the bargain, so that I could have you as we had decided." He leaned in and she felt his breath caressing her neck as he moved her hair from the side and leaned down to place a burning kiss on her bare shoulders, "You're mine. I'll kill someone before I let anything happen to you." His body felt the impact when she hugged him immediately afterwards. "You okay?" he caressed her hair.

Hera tried to say something, anything but couldn't. Her throat constricted and she burst into tears. "You're an asshole!" her bottom lip quivered. "I almost died downstairs, thinking that I had got it all wrong and that you were not this person who I thought you were -"

Baekhyun kissed her hair. "I apologise. I'll listen to every complaint and make up to you, but now, I need to go downstairs and keep up the charade."

"Now what?" She pulled back, and asked softly, and he gently removed her tears.

"That you pissed me off. I want Wendy to know that I'm on her side, it's time to take back my Reign." Baekhyun nodded and she nodded back, understanding. "Sleep. I'll be back in few."

Hera watched him walk out of the door, and went to bed. As told, she fell asleep in a matter of minutes, exhausted. She was already drifting off to sleep when she heard the door of the bedroom open and heard him shuffling across the room. Hera tried to steady her heartbeat and kept her eyes closed, not wanting him to know that she was awake. Her skin tingled when he climbed into bed with her and her heart almost burst out of her chest when he moved around until he was spooning her, his arm placed firmly around her stomach.

"I'm glad you're safe, bambino." He breathed out, and she intertwined her fingers with his.

"Me too."

"Buona notte bambolina."

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