20 | Game Of Thrones

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"My darling..."

Baekhyun opened his arms wide when saw Hera walking out of the door to the terrace. She rolled her eyes and bit her cheek, trying to hide the smile that was threatening to appear on her face. His one look had her laughing though. She failed miserably to keep the bitch face in.

"How are you?" She placed her hand in his as he guided her towards him, and kissed her cheek.

"I'm good now. Was getting a little headache inside the house." He sighed and they stood there, looking ahead to the garden. "You still have a strong opinion on Joy. Don't you? I've seen the way you looked at her earlier."

Hera met his eyes and leaned into his embrace, caressing his back of the hand. "When you told me about your birth for the first time, I was shook. And, when Joy came to tell me on your plans... I don't know I've grown vary of her."

"She was doing you a favor according to her, Hera." Baekhyun wrapped an arm around her shoulder and moved his hand up and down her arm. "Joy is a good woman. She wanted to warn you about my intentions -"

"Don't you get it?" She whispered, "She did it all intentionally -"

"I think you're over thinking -"

"Okay, maybe on this matter, but think about it, she had guts to tell me your plans. Don't you feel a sense of betrayal?"


"You should, Baek. You might think that I'm being a paranoid person, but I really think you should never... never tell Joy about your birth-"

"I won't. I promise." Baekhyun turned her to face him, and cupped her cheek. "If it's making you uncomfortable, then I won't tell Joy anything. Good?"

"Do you miss your brother? I mean, Taehyung?"

He paused for a second and a flash of emotion crossed his eyes. "My mother... She had no idea where she was fucking around. I was born in those times, and my father thought of me as his own son. Wendy loved me like her brother, but then...."

"Mujabihan thing happened." Hera sighed, and he hummed.

"Yup. We all were thirsty for blood." He glanced at her. "It was what it is. Around that time, it was revealed that my mother had been fooling around Byeongsa Capo. We both came under radar... Taehyung and I were asked to do DNA testing."

Hera squeezed his hand, knowing how hard it was for him to tell her his story. The past he hated with all of his being. He smiled at her gesture and kissed the top of their intertwined hands.

"Wendy got the results first." He took another deep breath. "She knew that I was the bastard son... But, she also knew that if Taehyung is to inherit the throne, then it would mean that the revenge she has thirst to get... She won't get it. Father was completely against the idea. If Taehyung is to sit on the throne, he would take decisions, decisions that might not be in favor of my sister."

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