25 | Everything Has Changed

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If possible, only if you like the chapter, I would expect at least 50 comments from you guys? Happy reading 🧚‍♂️

"Why are we here?"

Taehyung watched her and took out something from his blazer pocket. Away from him, Sooyoung's lips parted in surprise as she took in the surrounding. She moved around the fountain, and covered her mouth with her hands as she looked around the place in awe.


"Hmm?" She turned to him with a big smile, but froze when saw him on his knee. "What... Tae..." Her eyes went to the diamond ring in his hand and then she looked at him, shocked.

"You're brought up in a normal family background, or I can rephrase it as, the most logically normal family in the mafia world...." He started and smiled gently. "Every girl has a dream of being proposed like a romantic scene, and as much as I would have liked to have that kind of relationship with you, it's an arranged one."

She stared at him. "Your arm must be hurting."

He chuckled, and shook his head. "You're in shock, I see." Taking her hand in his, he put on the ring in her finger and kissed the top of her knuckles. "I can't really propose you, because we're already engaged, but yes, I wanted this kind of a moment with you."

Sooyoung didn't know, but her eyes watered and she gasped for breath. "Taehyung..."

"Did I do it right?" His smile was mesmerizing and so was his eyes.

She burst into tears and nodded her head. Standing up, he wrapped her in the safety of her arms, and she hid herself into him. The gesture had surely effected her. Leaning back, she kissed his cheek, and pressed her forehead against his as he cupped her face.

"I swear to protect you and respect you. Always. I'll burn for you if I've to." His thumb caressed her skin, and she basked under his warmth. "I promise you."

"I promise to stay by your side. For better and worse. I promise you."

Taehyung captured her lips in a passionate kiss, and she placed her arms around his shoulders, pulling him in. The love and admiration she felt for the man was more than she could tell. Yes, she was falling in love with him. Just like she had vowed, for the better and worse. She was all in for it.

She was in love with him after all.

"So if I'm to ask you again without any conditions, would it be yes?" He asked, his eyes twinkled with happiness and she giggled.

"It's yes. Today and tomorrow. Always."

"It's yes."

Joy stared at the man, and his face broke into a smile. Sungjae walked to her and hugged her to him. She didn't feel anything though. A lone tear rolled down her cheek, and she wiped it before moving back to give him a fake smile. He went on and on about the preparations for the ceremony, and how much he liked her, and how he had a crush on her for years now.

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