44 | Run On

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This story was taking a toll on my mental health, that's why I didn't update it for a while

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This story was taking a toll on my mental health, that's why I didn't update it for a while. I'm trying to overcome my negative emotions regarding the situation of the world with dramas and spending time with my family. I hope you guys understand. This story is tough to read due to its... how can I say... Mafia darkness? So, it affects me too. Thank you for giving your time to me 💕

"Can I have a moment?"

Chaeryoung looked up to see Taehyung coming their way, and glanced at Joy. The latter nodded, and the younger swiftly left the couple alone in the kitchen. "I'm cooking your favorite dish. Have it before you leave for work."

Taehyung hummed. She walked around him, gathering things to make desert and then stirred the pot. He watched her silently, and when she finished her work, he came in front of her. "I heard the hotel ceremony got delayed by two hours."

Joy met his eyes, and nodded. "There was an issue with the staff. Don't know what."

He sighed, and gently took her hand in his. Pulling her wedding ring from the pocket, he put it on her finger, and looked up. "I'm sorry. I did it so you won't get involved in the mess and end up hurting more. You've endured too much. I wanted to make it easy for you." His hand caressed her cheek and a little smile graced his lips. "I realised that I'm hurting you with my way of protecting your heart. Forgive me."

She covered his hand with hers. "Taehyung."


"I want to rest." Her eyes looked past his face. It looked like she was in another world. "I thought I could do it. I've seen worse, but this is getting beyond my limit. What to do?"

Her eyes looked empty. "I know." He kept a light smile on as he brushed her hair. "I'm tired too, but I promise you. We will finish it up and go for a long vacation."

"Away from everything?"

He nodded. "Away from everything. I want to stay with you forever. Like this."

She turned to look at him, her eyes swirling with confusion amidst the crippling fear coursing through her body. "But, we're mortals." Joy chuckled softly.

"You know I was watching this show, and it said that universe is a big place...as we don't have forever on this earth, we are shifted there afterwards. Let's meet there afterwards. You and I."

"I know. I have watched it too. 'Be melodramatic', isn't it?" She wrapped her arms around him. "I know what it says. I understand." She placed her head on his chest, and took a deep breath. "I like it. Being like this with you. If we're reborn, let's be normal people..."

"How about we become children of rival families?" Taehyung joked.

"And, suffer again." Joy moved back to stare at him. "How about you become a friend whom I like when I'm in a relationship? I'm struggling with my relationship, and you come as my saviour?"

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