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Happy new year once again 💟

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Happy new year once again 💟

Taehyung walked into the house.

Capo Byeongsa, his father was lounging on the couch, a drink swirling in his hand and a deep frown on his face. He looked up when heard the young man's footsteps. "Welcome home, son." He gestured him to sit. "How was Paris?"

"Good." He frowned as he read a message from one of his men, who were keeping the borders security in check. "You want to talk about something?" Taehyung asked, typing on the phone, not sparing him a glance.

"Yes. I'm thinking of marrying off your sister in law." Mr Kim sighed. "I wanted to know if you want to spend a night with her before I throw her out. She's of no use."

Taehyung stopped his movements, and looked up. "She's not a deal you're going to sign to someone else."

"Chungha is not usable anymore. Chulwoo is dead." Mr Kim shrugged. "It's been three years, and no use. My one of the dealers want her. I don't see any reason to say no. It's a great deal."

His son stared at him for a long moment. "It's late in night. Let's talk tomorrow." Taehyung stood up and turned to the corridor to see Yeji leaning against the wall. Her face paled. "Why are you not in the bed?" he asked and gestured her to walk with him.

"I and Felix got into a fight, so I was hiding-"

"Where's Chungha?"

Yeji halted her steps and swallowed hard. "In.. In her room." She didn't dare to ask him what he wanted to do with their sister-in-law, even after listening to the conversation, she stayed silent.

"There you are!" Felix walked towards her quickly but before he could reach her, Taehyung grabbed his hand and pulled him away. "Brother, you gotta stop interfering in our matters. I'm talking to Yeji this time. She's getting out of hands."

"It's you who is being an ass." Yeji glared at him. "Tae-Tae, he's playing a girl who is head over heels for him. He's cheating on her. I heard him saying that myself."

"That shall not concern you, you moron!" Felix turned red as he pointed his finger at her. "That good for nothing girl should have stayed clear of trouble. She wants me, and I'm granting her a wish. Stop being a nuisance."

"Who is this girl?" Taehyung pushed Felix against the wall, twisting his arm. "My dear brother, how many times do I've to tell you to stay clear of trouble. Huh? Who is this girl?"

"None of your fucking business!" Felix growled. "I've been initiated. I know things. I'm not a baby."

"Your stupid thinking of taking everyone beneath you is going to bite you in your ass someday. I'm telling you." Taehyung sighed, and let him go. He glanced at Yeji. "You heard everything. Haven't you?"

Yeji lowered her eyes, and nodded. Felix huffed. "Even I heard everything. You're going to fuck Chungha tonight. Talking about manners? You're a monster yourself," he snapped, and before he knew, a loud slap reverberated through the corridor as Taehyung's hand contacted with his cheek. His head whipped to the side, caught off guard by the sudden act.

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