26 | You Broke Me First

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Warning : Things are going to get ugly from this point

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Warning : Things are going to get ugly from this point. Leave comments on the chapters if you are enjoying the story. Bye!

Joy stared at the card.

Baekhyun had given her a red card after she gave him an idea of what her true feelings were regarding the clan. Of course she had to come clean. With years of living with him, she knew how smart he was when it came to detecting betrayal. Getting a red card meant a redemption or a punishment, whatever you wanted for your sin.

Shocking part? Wendy was in the charge of handling those matters. Joy wasn't surprised at the punishment her alleged sister had given her. There was a bad blood between her and Taehyung, and since she had an advantage of being the real daughter of Capo Sal-inja, she was a powerful lady.

"You do know that Taehyung is a bastard? No one knows this from his clan. Now, imagine if the word got out?" Wendy had threatened her. "His siblings, his men would kill him bare hands."

Joy had to bow down to her when she was given choice whether she wanted to run away from them or stay in Sal-inja while serving punishment for both of them. She chose latter. She had to. Crumbling the paper in her palm, she glared at it and scoffed. "You really think you've won this game," she whispered to herself. "As Taehyung has quoted, I'll kill you with my bare hands, Wen. I promise you."

Going downstairs, she took her seat on the dining table, and glanced at Wendy, who was casually sipping her wine. Joy wanted to comment that it was too early for drinks, but refrained herself. Instead, she started eating her own food.

"Sooyoung-ah." The freshly graduated girl came downstairs in hurry.

Wendy raised her eyebrows at Chaeryoung. "Sooyoung? Never heard you call her by that name. It's Joy."

"Why is it a problem if I call her Sooyoung? She is Sooyoung." Chaeryoung shot back in an even tone. "Would you come with me to the boarding school? I need to get my certificates from there."

"She's not allowed to go anywhere till she is married." Wendy placed down the drink and Joy sighed.

"I'll go with you." Joy nodded at Chaeryoung and she smiled before walking back upstairs. Then the former turned to the blonde woman. "I agreed to your conditions, you don't have to act like that anymore."

"Is he really worth it. The love that you've for Taehyung? It's making you weak."

"Well, I'm glad at least I care about my man. Even though you think it's a weakness, I take it as my strength that I'm bold enough to take that step." Joy wiped her face with a napkin and stood up. "Unlike you, who has done nothing but have outcast her husband herself, I think I'm better than you." With that she walked away.

Wendy gulped, and blinked her eyes, tightening her grip on the table. Hearing a deep laugh from the stairs, she looked up and saw Chanyeol talking to Rose. This time she didn't comment though. She just watched him and then glanced at Joy, who was smiling from the top of the stair. Wendy huffed, and went back to drink her wine, while Joy walked away to get ready for the day.

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