29 | The Haunting Past - Part 2

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Wendy was happy to meet her brothers after a long time, but she had no idea what was about to happen next.

Kyungsoo left to go to the washroom, and she talked to her brothers in the mean time. Baekhyun told her that there was a DNA test happening on the brothers, after their father came to know about their mother's alleged affair with Capo Byeongsa. Wendy felt bad for them, and assured Baekhyun that everything would be fine. They talked more, but something weird settled in her stomach when she realized that Kyungsoo wasn't back yet.

She tried his number, and he picked up after second ring. "Where are you?"

"Wendy... Stay with your brothers."

She stood up. "Kyungsoo... Something happened? Hmm... What's going on? Where are you?" She started looking around, and Baekhyun also stood up, alert. Taehyung left his half eaten burger, and looked at them confused.

"I've made a deal with Sal-inja. Your life should be spared... It was a set up." Kyungsoo confessed, and she took a support from the chair as she felt her whole world turn upside down. "If Mujabihan found us, they would kill us both. I want you to live."

Realisation slapped her like a tons of bricks.

"Kyungsoo, no!" Wendy spun on her heels, and ran. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she stumbled upon her steps and memories of the past, memories of them together immediately flashed in front of her, and a strangled cry escaped her lips. "Don't. Please!" She took the fire escape, and ran downstairs.

"I love you. I've loved you since the second you met my eyes," he whispered, "I loved your smile, your innocence, the way you made me feel so human. I loved you, my Wen."

She lost her balance and fell on the stair, and sprained her ankle. "No!" She gasped out, the pain killing her, but still, she stood up and took off her heels as she started running with her injured ankle, barefeet. "I won't let you. I don't permit this! Do you hear me?"

"Do you remember how you used to stare at your family pictures? I knew then... How big mistake I've done by taking you away from them... This was never forever, and you knew it," His voice was hoarse, and her heart broke when she imagined him crying. "What I regret is this forever came to an end too soon for my liking-"

"Kyungsoo." She sobbed.

"But, again... No time with you would have been enough, Wen."

She was almost out of breath as she threw open the door and entered the basement. "We still have time. Let's run away -"

"Mujabihan is behind us, wen. It's either we both die or I.... You've a family where you are loved and cared for, but it's not the same for me." Kyungsoo stood in front of Sal-inja men, and his throat wobbled. "I'm not fit in this world anymore."

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