41 | Apocalypse

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"Oh! So you're okay with my brother now?"

Felix rolled his eyes as he came face to face with Joy. She sighed. She had been ignoring him for God knew how long, but again, they were living under the same roof. Today or tomorrow, this interaction was bound to happen.

"Felix, can we start over?"

"My brother must have fucked you so good that you want to form a bond with me now." He gasped, mocking her. "You want sex that desperately? Talk about ethics."

"You're trying to rile me up. It won't work." Joy crossed her arms against her chest. "You're angry, uncomfortable with my presence, and I wholeheartedly accept that. All I can ask you is to accept us, me and Chaeryoung, not now, but at least slowly?"

"You're pathetic." He glared at her.

"Anger is not harming us but only you." She shook her head. "Clear your head, Felix. I mean no harm. I and your brother were bound to end up together."

"Did you..." He looked away. "Were you the one who made Chae get engaged to Eun woo? Did you do it?"

"Forget about Chae." Joy went to him. "That's all I'm going to say. I'm not blind. I've seen the way you're acting around her. Take it from me kid, illicit affairs never end up good."

Felix swallowed the bile rising his throat. "I don't have any affair with her. I was just asking." He slapped his shoulder with hers, and walked away. Joy watched as he climbed upstairs and Chaeryoung came downstairs. The two exchanged a glance before Chae practically ran away from his presence. Something was definitely going on, and Joy knew she needed to find it.

Before things go downhill.

"What are you thinking?" Taehyung entered the house and she immediately felt his mood. His clothes were bloody. Again. This time Mujabihan, she could tell it the way his darkness was clouding his eyes. These were subtle differences between the war with Byeongsa and Sal-inja and Byeongsa and Mujabihan. The latter clan was still persistent on taking revenge, for Taehyung had rejected Hera.

"Nothing." She followed upstairs to their room. He went to washroom and discarded his shirt as he sat on the seat, his head hung low. Placing a hand on his shoulder, she crouched in front of him. "Did you make them pay?"

"They had cut my men into pieces, I burned theirs alive." His eyes were empty, and she slid her hand to cup his cheek, turning him to her. "You don't have to see me like this, or hear me talking about it. I don't want to scare you away." His hand closed hers.

Joy smiled. "We have each other, don't forget it. Your scars, fears and darkness is mine too." Kissing his forehead, she sighed. "It's getting out of hand recently with Mujabihan. What are you planning to do, Tae?"

"I'm a real coward for not able to attack Sal-inja."

"Don't." She met his gaze. "Don't attack Sal-inja. We know it was their consiglere. Moreover, Wen still haven't done worth having a war with her-"

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