39 | You're In My Blood

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"Good evening."

Joy glanced to her side, and saw Chungha sitting in the garden, Namjoon standing tall by her side. She smiled, and walked to the duo, nodding at both in acknowledgement. "Hi. Are you enjoying your tea?" she asked formally. Even though today marked her three weeks in Byeongsa, she was still struggling to adjust in the clan.

Not because people were hostile or anything, they were, but behind her back. No one could dare to look up at her in front of Taehyung. It wasn't that. Her uncomfortable feelings came from the prospective of his family. Chungha. Yeji. Felix, who was still unconscious and recovering steadily. Joy hadn't talk to them much, and felt confused on how to approach her new family members without making it awkward.

"Join me. There's enough for two." Chungha gestured her to take a seat, and she did. The older poured her a cup of tea and pushed it in her direction gently. "How are you adjusting? I apologize I didn't talk to you soon. I was visiting my family in the countryside."

Joy nodded. "I was wondering where you were for past few days." She smiled. "I'm doing fine. Like almost okay. It'll take some time, but I have a good feeling about it."

Chungha nodded. "Is Taehyung treating you right?" She asked, and again Joy nodded, not knowing how to answer the question without letting go off her feelings freely. "Can you be more relaxed with me, Joy? You're so stiff." She chuckled.

Joy cringed. "I'm sorry. I don't know how to proceed with conversation like this."

Namjoon bit back his smile. Chungha hummed, and placed the cup back on the table. "No problem. I'll talk, and as you feel comfortable, you can join me. Okay?" she was kind. "I know that you and Taehyung had some kind of relationship with each other before you know... I don't know if I'm wrong or not, but it's my assumption that you two are still not over your past. The betrayal and trust issues."

Joy dropped her eyes to the ground and sighed. "You've observed right. It's something I've felt for a while now, but I'm not ready to talk about it, not with Taehyung at least." She played with her fingers and paused when another pair of hands covered hers.

"Too much happened between you two in the time you stayed apart. Feel your emotions and accept them. No one will blame either of you." Chungha looked up at Namjoon. "You're a family, so I think you deserve to let in another secret. I and Namjoon are together, not officially. You know how Familia works. We can't express love in open."

Joy looked between the two, baffled. "Taehyung didn't tell me..."

"He gives us this freedom to whom we want to involve in our secret." Namjoon spoke for the first time. "The reason why Chungha is letting you in, is because you need to understand that moving past the past things isn't the solution, but accepting is. Don't try to forget what happened, accept that it happened and talk to each other."

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