2 | Christmas And Goodbye

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In the middle of the night, in my dreams, you should see the things we do, baby

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In the middle of the night, in my dreams, you should see the things we do, baby...



The war still took place that night.

Sal-inja couldn't retreat without a talk apparently because it would have been a cowardly move from their side. But, of course they had an advantage of knowing what my father wanted to do, so they outsmarted everyone, and walked away while leaving the trails of dead bodies on their way out.

My father as well Chulwoo had been angry as to who gave away their plan. Because according to them, everything was perfect. Too perfect to wipe off Sal-inja's existence from the mafia world. Till this day, they had been left wondering what really went wrong that night two months ago.

"This is mine!"

The noises from downstairs made me sigh, and walked there to see my siblings fighting over a video game. Yeji was 12 and Felix was only 13, but the two were capable of destroying the peace of the whole house in a second. Nuisances.

"But, I want to play with it too," Yeji cried out, her ponytail dancing with her bobbing head. She was close to tears. "I want to play video games."

"Girls are made to play with dolls. Go away." Felix scowled, and I shook my head. Walking over there, I grabbed Felix's elbow and crouched in front of him. "Brother." His eyes showed the fear I had expected to see. Good.

"Yeji." I glanced at my little sister. "Take this thing, and go upstairs," I ordered, and she bit her lip nervously, clearly scared for Felix. I had a reputation among the people, even my own family, and that had always been a tough phase to pass while talking to these toddlers. "Yeji," I asked her attention again, and she clutched the toy car to her chest, and hurriedly walked upstairs.

"Are you going to punish me for fighting with Yeji?" Felix asked, and I turned to him. "You clearly like her more than me."

"Fights with your siblings are common," I said, and patted his shoulder. "But, the comment you made about women is not settling down in my brain."

"But, Chulwoo said the same thing," Felix exclaimed. "That girls are good for nothing, and they shall be kept under the shoes."

I sighed. "Yeji is our sister."

"But, she always try to go out of her line. I'm trying to teach her how the world work. She is not made for cars or fighting. I'm trying to tell her what is expected of her, so that she won't be hurt in the future." Felix pouted.

"Underestimating women is the stupidest thing one can do, Felix." I told him. "Women are as deadly as men. They are not always innocent and to be protected persons."

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