43 | Arrivederci

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Taehyung entered the room.

Joy was standing near the window, and he closed the door before going to her. "You've a guest appearance in the evening. Hotel Paradise is having an opening ceremony." He glanced at her when she stayed silent. "As you know, we manage hotel business for the world, it's important to make appearance now and then."

"Where would you be in the evening?" She asked, still gazing outside.


"To kill Capo Mujabihan. To meet Huening Kai. To sell Yuna off. Which business?" Joy turned to him, and instead of showing shock to her knowing his plans, he shrugged. "I've to guess that?" she mocked him.

"When did you come to know?"

"I have a eavesdropping habit. So this is it?" Joy raised her eyebrows. "You sell my sister to Huening kai in exchange for Capo Mujabihan and give him a merciful death in front of Wendy? That's your revenge."

"I'll shot him in head. Without any pain. I'll kill the person who started it all." Taehyung turned to stare at the outside view. "He's Wendy's last target. She has played with us enough. She must've plans to torture him, but surprise? I'll kill him like bam!"

"You should just kill Wendy instead of doing that!" Joy burst out. Her anger filled eyes glared into his as she caught him off guard. Grabbing him by collar, she hissed. "That man ruined our lives too! How could you let him go like that?"

"I can't kill Wendy, but I can do something that's worse than death. A merciful death to one of her biggest enemies." Taehyung shrugged off her hold, and she chuckled.

"I believe that you're more of a monster than you showed me. Huh? That man snatched everything from us, how could you -"

"You're acting on your emotions. I thought you knew better than that." His eyes scanned her face and she sighed when he tried to touch her. "You even lost your temper earlier with Wendy."

Slapping his hand away, Joy looked dead in his eyes. "It all went in vain. Hasn't it?" she shook her head when he frowned. "We thought that being together will have us conquer the world, but all its doing, is making me hate us more. You're not trusting me. I'm hating you. I feel I'm going crazy-"

"Then just take rest. Don't stress yourself." Taehyung ignored her burst, and went to the cupboard. "Shall I choose a dress for you?" he gulped as he faced away from her. His heart felt heavy. God dammit, Yeji. Why did his sister have to bark out their plan like that?


He turned around to see her placing her wedding ring on the table. "What are you doing?" His grip tightened on the handle.

"We don't share that kind of relationship. This ring. This tag. This relationship. It's not there anymore. It's just... not. Without trusting, loving and caring... for each other... There's no reason for us to carry this weight with us."


"This relationship is enough burdensome. I can't carry this heavy ring too." With that she walked past him, to the door, but stopped for a moment and glanced at him over her shoulder. "Since we're at this, let me tell you that Yeji is planning to get rid of Wendy through Hera and Chanyeol. I overheard her and Taemin."

"What are you -"

"All the best protecting your sanity, Capo Byeongsa."


Hera watched the duo in a deep conversation and sighed.

As she walked out of the building first, her whole body halted at the sight of Taemin standing there, at the far corner of the parking lot, not alone but with his fiance, Yeji. She knew it was no coincidence, that they were here to talk, or she could rephrase it as to ask for a favor and strike a deal. This was how it normally worked.

Walking up to the couple, she smiled mockingly. "If it isn't the golden couple of the year." Hera didn't need to explain her behavior. They both knew it was because of Taemin choosing to side with Byeongsa instead of Sal-inja earlier. "How may I help you sir and ma'am?"

Taemin rolled his eyes. "I'm bound to Byeongsa because of Yeji. I couldn't possibly choose Sal-inja." He ignored his fiance's eyes on him.

"Baekhyun is your friend, you scumbag," Hera hissed as she got onto his face, but Yeji pulled her back, and smiled. "What do you two want?"

"I'm wondering if you are going to take down that bitch of your sister in law or not." Yeji turned serious and Hera frowned. "Wendy. Are you going to take care of her or not? She's a threat to you guys too."

"Why would I tell you anything?"

"You've heard Baekhyun earlier. He has set up an arrangement between Yuna and Felix, but you want Huening kai with her, so it's simple." Taemin tilted his head. "If you promise to get rid of Wendy then I will pursue Taehyung to help Yuna get back together with Huening kai."

"I give you my word." Yeji tried to gauge her reaction, but Hera's face remained empty. She looked deep in thought. "Think about it, you'll be eliminating the biggest problem of our lives and your brother can have his happy ending."

Hera glanced over her shoulder and saw Wendy and Baekhyun coming outside the building. "I need time to think." And then she walked back to the duo. Her heart was beating fast and as she reached Wendy, she couldn't help but stare.

The blonde woman was laughing at something with Baekhyun. The smile was sincere. Hera could tell it because Baekhyun was there, and Wendy always had a soft spot for him. He had a subtle way of bringing out the light in her darkness. Hera's eyes moved back to the parking lot, where Yeji and Taemin were getting into the car. They nodded at each other and then left from there.

The rest of the morning was a blur. The more she thought about it, the more it felt wrong. Why? Why would it feel wrong? She should grab this chance to protect Baekhyun. She should, right? Her heart was conflicted, and When Baekhyun entered the room, she got more conscious of her feelings and actions.

"Do you have anything to say to me?" She stood up and faced her husband.

"Nope." Baekhyun shrugged and sat on the bed. She joined him there, staring intently at his blank face. He had always masked himself to have her safe from the business world, but today, it looked like a calculative move.

"Do you hate me?" Hera asked as her hand touched his.

Baekhyun stared down at her, and cupped her face. "Yes." And then he dropped his head to kiss her. Slowly and then gently. Of course there had been a lot of intimacy in their relationship, but this kiss, the way he initiated it after confessing his hatred for her... it made her heart break into a million of pieces.

His hand pulled her waist closer and as they laid in bed, kissing each other, holding and touching, it was clear what was to happen next. When Baekhyun leaned back to look at her, all he saw was a heavy heart and soul. "You can rest now. It's time you step back, my darling wife."

The door opened. Baekhyun pulled away from her, and stood up. He nodded at Jimin. Hera sat in bed, and waited. "Is this the end of us?" She asked after a moment and looked up to meet his gaze. He smiled simply and nodded again.

Baekhyun didn't trust himself enough to say something right now. He was scared his voice would break down and he would end up hurting himself more. Jimin came to Hera and said, "Ma'am, you're supposed to go to safe house." Or she could say, 'jail for the family'. Hera scoffed, chuckled and followed Jimin out, but didn't leave before telling her last word.

"Tutto il meglio per questa battaglia, Capo Sal-inja. Sarà sanguinoso di sicuro."

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