46 | Universe

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Last chapter. Next one will be an epilogue. Thank you for enjoying this story. It might not be the best, but it's close to my heart, and I'm glad I could write it for you guys. I know it was a tough journey, but you stayed till the end. Thank you.

Always. Azalea 💕


It had been a week since Taehyung and Joy had reunited. It felt surreal, now that they were finally together. Taehyung smiled when he saw tears glistening in her eyes and realized she must be feeling the same, "I'm here," he assured her. "It's real." He sat up, his face inches from hers and said, "I'm right here."

"Promise me you won't leave," she whispered.

"I'll never leave you again."

Joy pressed her lips softly to his, and her breath was soft against his mouth as she began to rise and fall on top of him. It was slow and sensual, unlike any other experience they'd ever shared. He allowed her control over every movement and roll of her hips.

They could take it down a different road later. Right now, he just wanted to feel connected with her, and for her to want this as much as he did. She needed to know he was in it, all the way, no matter what. So, he spent the time focusing on her and bringing her to her pinnacle release as he drew closer and closer to his. As her neck fell back, leaving it bare to him, he took the opportunity to find that sensitive spot again, sucking gently at the skin between soothing kisses.

She moaned his name when his fingers squeezed her sensitive nipples, and her nails dug into the skin of his back. Her body began to shake and her breathing grew increasingly more ragged and he knew he had her close. His mouth moved up to her jawline and soon he found her lips again, where she invited him in with a gentle nip at his bottom lip. His tongue slid across hers as his hand moved down her stomach until he had his fingers between them. Her walls clenched tightly around him when his index finger pressed into the bundle of nerves at the apex of her thighs.

Her uneven breaths blew against his parted lips as she rode higher and higher toward her peak. "Oh god," she groaned, "I'm so close."

"Let go, baby. I'm here."

She clenched around him and cried out in ecstasy as she finally fell over that cliff into the abyss of the orgasm that rocketed through her body. Every part of her shook as she rocked against him while she rode out those waves of pleasure, and soon he was following her over. Her name fell from his lips with a throaty groan and his arms tightened around her, keeping her pressed as close to him as possible until his vision finally cleared enough for him to see her face hovering in front of his.

Her fingers slid gently over his damp forehead, pushing the stray hairs away that had fallen during their love making. Her eyes shone with love and more contentment than he'd seen in her gaze in longer than he could remember. And when she whispered, "I love you," he released the breath he hadn't even known he'd been holding.

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