16 | War In Life

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Thank you for all the love ♥️😌

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Thank you for all the love ♥️😌

"Capo Sal-inja."

Baekhyun tilted his head and smiled. He knew that he had an effect on her, and to his advantage, she had never tried to hide it from him.

"What are you doing here?" She leaned back on the chair, and watched him like a hawk. Looking up at Seulgi, who was struggling with Mark to get her phone back as she wanted to alert Mujabihan security that the enemies had arrived in the restaurant, Hera said, "Let him have the phone, Seulgi. I, too, want to have a chit chat with the man over here." She gestured towards Baekhyun, and her bodyguard stopped her efforts and stood still beside Mark.

It made Baekhyun frown. Something about her didn't feel right. "You must've been shocked -"

"Nope, I expected that your nothing to do ass would find me today or tomorrow. It was just a matter of time."

He chuckled. "You could say that." He pulled out an invitation card, and set it down on the table, and swiveled his chair to face her. "Read."

Hera remained silent as she read the card, and pressed her lips in thin line. "You're here to give me this?" She asked after setting it down.

Baekhyun shrugged. "I want you on my side. First step towards trust is saving you, and telling you that I've your back."

"Childish wordings, but okay." Hera's eyes went back to the card laying on the table. It was a proposal card, of her marriage to the boss of Taiwan. Taehyung was taking too long to marry her, if it went like this, her father was willing to fix Taiwan boss for her. Mind all, the boss, Mr Ping was a fifty years old man, but it didn't come as a surprise to her.

Her father would see her bleeding to death if it meant Mujabihan's success. He wanted a good relationship with Taiwan, and she was his golden card. At least, he thought that way. Surprise, she had no idea about this marriage. If Taehyung won't marry her, then she was already in the process for being given to someone else.

What a pity.

"Taehyung is delaying your marriage. Your father must have kept this old man as a back up plan."

Baekhyun's eyes were shining brightly even in the dim lighting and she felt mesmerized as she turned her attention back to him. "Why are your eyes so blue?"

"Why? You don't like it? My blue eyes." His teasing smile made her a little bit better.

"I love your eyes." She moved her gaze towards Seulgi, and said, "Leave us alone for a moment please." Even though Seulgi tried to protest against the order, Hera's one look had her bow down as she walked away with Mark on her heels.

"So?" Baekhyun relaxed back, and spread his legs around the seat.

"I had expected your arrival, but it's too soon. I've not made a decision yet." Hera sighed. "Joy came to visit me. Just like you had said, she told me the exact wording." Closing her eyes, she ran a hand down her hair. "Poor girl, I actually felt pity for her."

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