37 | This Is Me Trying

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Whenever I doubt this storyline, one of you wake up and choose to encourage me to write another chapter

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Whenever I doubt this storyline, one of you wake up and choose to encourage me to write another chapter. This time, I thank the recent reader goodthings6  for her comments and love 💕

"Where am I?"

Chaeryoung tried to sit, but felt an instant nausea hit her as she laid back in the bed again, and looked around the white room. Frowned, she had to blink twice to adjust her view of the bed beside her. "Felix..."

He was there, unconscious.

"Felix..." Tears gathered in her ears as she lifted her hand to reach him, but he was on the other side of the room, too far away. Her voice was just above the whisper as she called him. "Wake up... Can you hear me? Are you okay?" she choked on air and tried to sit again.

"Hey hey, lay back!"

Chaeryoung almost sat up when a pair of arms around her shoulders and she looked up at the unknown boy. "Who..." Her eyes fluttered as world around her tilted for a brief moment.

"I'm Byeongsa consiglere's son, Cha Eun woo." The boy replied and helped her sit comfortably. "How are you feeling?" he asked and she glanced at Felix before turning to the boy.

"I'm fine. Where am I?" She touched her head.

"This is the right wing of Capo Byeongsa house." Eun woo checked her forehead for any bleeding and sighed. "This area is used for treating family members as it's not safe to go to hospital," he informed. Chaeryoung nodded, and again looked at Felix. As if Eun woo noticed her lingering eyes, he said, "He is on tranquilizers. It'll take a while for him to get back on feet."

"How am I here though?" She met his gaze. "What happened? My sister, Joy, where's she? Last thing I remember -"

"Everything will be explained later." Eun woo placed his hand over hers. "Capo and his wife had to visit some important work, so they have left you in my care."

Chaeryoung stared at him. "Wife... You don't mean that...." Her words hung in air, and his nod confirmed the news. Cupping her face, she breathed in deeply, trying to understand what made Joy take this decision? What actually happened after she fell unconscious? And, Yuna? Wendy? Baekhyun... If they really were in Byeongsa, then that meant they had joined with enemies.

Sal-inja was their enemy now. Her stomach churned with the thought and she closed her eyes, swallowing the bitter truth. But, this was what it was, right? She needed to move on. From her previous family. Yet again.

"There's something really important we need to discuss." Eun woo shifted closer. "Look I know that you are confused, full of anger maybe misery, but this is very important. Though I wish Joy was here to explain, but... I need to do it myself."

"What are you talking about?"

"I... I'm a consiglere son. Future advisor to this clan." He paused as if looking for right words. "I... I'm serving my Capo, and his demand is my order. You have lived in Sal-inja, and our people are vary of you. Joy had to marry Taehyung in hurry for the same reason, to have people at ease. Now you..."

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