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Hera stared coldly as his fingers which had first touched Joy, slapped her, hurt her, were cut. One by one. His face that was smirking a few moments ago, when Taehyung was shot, was twisted in agony as he was sliced slowly. Wendy had blood over her face, but the women didn't look away.

They stared. And, dare they say they enjoyed his torture.


Hera came back to the reality, and cleared her throat and looked at her son. "Mark, pay respect." She gestured him towards the stone, and the seven year old boy nodded. They both closed their eyes and remembered Capo Sal-inja. Her moments with Baekhyun were limited, but the love was in abundance. She had been living with it for years now after all.

"Samchun. Please look over us." Mark kneeled and bowed to Taehyung and Joy then. "Aunt, can you send me a girlfriend as pretty as you?" he whispered near the stone, and Hera bit back her smile, not reacting. If Joy were alive, Mark and her surely would have made a cute duo.

The brunette also bowed to them. "You two must be spending a lot of time in your universe. Ah... I'm jealous, Baek," she mumbled with a smile. "I'm all alone here."

"Mom, you have me!" Mark stood, offended. "How could you say that?" he pouted, and Hera chuckled, sitting in front of him.

"Sorry, my son. Ah... You're just like your father." She patted his head, and glanced at Baekhyun's headstone. "Jealous bitch," she muttered under her breath and shook her head.


Wendy came there, and smiled at the young boy. "Did you see your father? Your aunt, uncle must be happy to see you grow up." She took him in his arms and then asked him to go to the car. "Mark is happy to be here."

"He always is." Hera sat there, and Wendy joined her. "I miss them. Taehyung was a good friend. Joy was a great competition, and Baekhyun.... A part of me. Do you think he can hear me now?"

Wendy hummed. "He could be. You said he's waiting for you in that place."

She nodded. "But, I have so many responsibilities here. And, till Mark becomes a Capo, I gotta stay by your side."

"You'll have to stay by my side for a long time." The blonde pulled her closer as they sat there, remembering their time together. "I sometimes feel like shit for spending time on hating and resenting the people I loved the most."

"It's not your fault alone. We all fought among ourselves instead of fighting the common enemy." Hera patted her back. "We've learned a lot though. See, we are a great team. Speaking of which, how's Chanyeol doing in China?"

"He's scary now that he's Capo." Wendy sighed. "Capo Tong is a good guy, I hope everything works out for us. Felix got in touch with me yesterday. He was saying that Yakuza is threatening to cut off the business with us."

"I heard about it too, but why?"

"Apparently, they're forming partnership with Russians." Wendy shrugged. "Even Capo Mujabihan is a little concerned about it. Yuna had called me too, to schedule a meeting with her and Huening Kai."

"We don't get a day off. Do we?" Hera sighed. "You deal with Mujabihan. I'll fix a meeting with Felix and Chaeryoung. This needs to work out. Those bastards from Yakuza can't screw us like that."

"Yup." Wendy stood up. "Yeji and Taemin are coming for dinner tonight. Come on, let's go." She helped Hera stand up, and looked at the headstones. "See, brother I'm taking care of your wife here. Okay?" Then her eyes shifted to Taehyung and Joy. "Don't fight in the paradise. Rest well. Okay?"

Hera chuckled and placed her fingers on her lips before placing them on the headstone. "Saranghe," she whispered, smiling. Her eyes teared up a little, but she held it in.

"Mark must be waiting. Come on." Wendy removed leaves from Joy's headstone and apologized to the couple again. It was her routine. The guilt was still there. May be it was always going to be. After all that was life. "I wish I had more time to spend with you. Let's see each other in our next lives. Hmm?" She prayed for the three, and glanced at Hera.

Both of them nodded at each other, and then started walking towards the car. Mark was as always giving a hard time to Jimin. "Samchun, I swear I won't pull trigger. Please let me use your gun!" He tried hard, but Jimin didn't bulge.

"Madam." He nodded at both of them, and got into the car. Hera sat there, and watched the cemetery passing on. Mark was still throwing tantrums beside her, and Wendy was trying to convince him to wait for the right time.

Hera's heart swelled with love she had felt for her three people and a beautiful breeze caressed her face. Taehyung. Joy... Baekhyun.... Maybe they were around too. Looking over at them, and smiling too.

"La prossima volta. Lo prometto."

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