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"This is insane."

Kim Taehyung rested his head back on the couch, and sighed. His people looked anything but calm as they paced around the living room. But, Capo Kim was relaxed, thinking about his plan, and analyzing all the possible outcomes. The day had come.


He opened his eyes to see, his first in command Mingyu standing in front of him. He raised his eyebrows at the man, who bowed in submission. "Proceed with the plan. I'll take the charge."

Taehyung blinked. "I expected this from you," he shrugged. Standing up, he patted his shoulder, and glanced at Namjoon, his security head. "What about you?"

"Taking Sal-inja Princess under their nose on the wedding day is going to be a tough job. It's a wedding for God's sake." Namjoon sighed. "You know it more than anyone else how protective Capo Sal-inja is of his sister. Joy is not anyone for him."

"The infamous Sal-inja princess. Park Joy," Taehyung drawled, letting himself taste her name, and nodded. "As you said, tough but not impossible."

"Joy is getting married to a consiglere's son. Why can't you understand it?"

"They'll have a lot of security checks. How are we supposed to cross them?" Another one voiced out, and they turned to see Chungha sitting there cross legged. "Reaching her would be near to impossible."

Taehyung nodded yet again. "That's why we need to lower their suspicion of being attacked."

"Meaning?" Namjoon asked.

"I'll announce my marriage to the Mujabihan Princess just before the wedding day," Taehyung replied. "Usual meetings between the two are supposed to happen the next day. They would consider me busy with Mujabihan daughter, Hera, resulting in them lowering their guards."

"Wait," Mingyu frowned visibly. "You'll announce your marriage, but you won't marry Hera? You'll announce war between the clans that way."

"I know."

Chungha glanced at Namjoon, and raised her eyebrows when she saw him gesturing to her to talk to Taehyung. She sighed, and stood up before strolling towards her brother. "What will you do then?"

Namjoon watched his Capo standing in peace there. There wasn't a flicker of emotion on his face, but that's what made him deadly. Nobody could actually read him. Sometimes, Namjoon wondered if there were any emotions left in the man or if his expressions were natural.

Something shifted in Taehyung's stance then. "War won't happen," he told him, his black eyes full of mystery.

"How?" Mingyu pressed.

"Because Baekhyun will abduct Hera the same day I'll be kidnapping his sister."

Chungha gasped. "What? How do you know that?"

Taehyung stared at them. "Sal-inja is out for blood. They won't spare Mujabihan anymore," he took the rubix cube in his hands, and rolled it as his lips twitched. "The moment they'll get to know that I'm marrying a Mujabihan princess, they will think that this is their chance."

"To ruin Byeongsa as well as Mujabihan," Chungha completed.

He was calm as he looked at his sister and nodded. "Baekhyun will come for Hera."

"And, in the meantime you're going to drag his sister here," Mingyu nodded, understanding the depth and risks of the mission. "Got it."

Taehyung nodded.

"It is just a beginning..."


"Of the end."

Baekhyun glanced at every person in the room. "We're ending this for once and all. Sal-inja has already taken enough blows because of these continued interruptions. We can't afford it anymore. The border tension is increasing day by day."

"There's a rumour going on in the city that Taehyung is going to marry Hera. Mujabihan princess. We can't let it happen," Krystal, one of his cousins said.

"It won't happen," Jongin, the underboss to the north side nodded.

"Something is not adding up," Wendy sighed. "Rumours. You do know that we are the ones who spread them. To distract others," her brows drew together. "Means, they're spreading the rumour themselves. Byeongsa is doing this."

"Purposely. I know," Baekhyun chuckled. "Bastard thinks he can fool us."

"The day he announces something regarding Hera, I will believe it. Then, we have to take action," Wendy muttered.

"Union of Sal-inja and Mujabihan," Joy leaned against the wall. "He's really on to something." She glanced at Wendy, and then looked away.

"This seems too easy though," Chanyeol stuffed his mouth with chips. "Rumours and then he would actually announce his marriage with Hera? Like union with Mujabihan is practically a war with us."

"Why would Byeongsa want to risk it?" Joy whispered as her mind ran a marathon. "Byeongsa has always hated us, no wonder there, but to seek another organization's help is not their style."

Jongin glanced at Baekhyun, who seemed to think about it harder. They were at a war against Mujabihan, and now Byeongsan involvement wasn't something they needed right now. He watched his Capo running a hand down his face before he froze. Realization came across his face, and Jongin frowned.

"What actually are they planning to do, Capo?"


"They'll come to know your plan."

Yeji plopped herself on the sofa. The youngest child was all grown up after all. She knew about business. Glancing to her older brother, she raised her brows. "If this is your plan, then bullshit. Even I analysed it, and we're talking about Capo Sal-inja here."

"Capo Sal-inja," Taehyung chuckled, but it was cold. "He will come to know my plan, of course. He's intelligent."

Chungha huffed. "Taehyung, you're really annoying me right now."

Mingyu stared at him. "You're wondering what he's thinking. Aren't you?"

"What?" Namjoon asked, confused.

"Baekhyun and Taehyung have a strong connection," Yeji rolled her eyes, and ignored the glare her sister-in-law sent in her direction. "Those two are two bodies and the same brain."

"Yeji!" Chungha grumbled, and turned to Taehyung, but he was not affected by the conversation at all. "What is it, Tae?"

"Nothing. I'm just waiting for the wedding day. I'm so excited about it."


"Mujabihan is going to crush everyone."

Capo Mujabihan laughed out loud as he clinked his glass with his heir, Hueing Kai. "I've heard that Taehyung is ready to get married to Hera, and Sal-inja would be mad. We'll become more powerful with this union."

"Being confident isn't going to get us anywhere," Hera sipped her drink, and Huening Kai nodded.

"I know you'll become a good Capo someday, my son," Mr Ji said, proud. "And, my daughter, you're so good. I'm so lucky to have you both on my side," he patted their backs.

"Cheers to that," Huening Kai said, and Hera smiled as she lifted her glass up in the air.

"Their colorful dream of coming into power... we'll paint it black." Hera glared at the back of her father's head. Huening Kai also smirked, and clinked glass with hers.

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