9 | I Can't Stop Me

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"Not so shy anymore. Are we?"

Taehyung raised his brows, and she sighed, her eyes narrowed. "God, why do you care, Taehyung?" Angry, she pushed him away from her and twisted around to fully face him. "You're the entire reason why I'm here in this bloody power show. If anybody saw me, it's over-"

"Come back to us." He shrugged. "You belong to Byeongsa." His voice held authority, and she tried not to show her fear to him, but he was Kim Taehyung. He knew fear when he would see one. "I won't kill you if that's what you're afraid of."

"Your father will."

"I'll kill my father before that happens. Don't worry."

His casual style triggered her. "I don't believe you. You get that?" Joy snapped. "I trusted you before, with my heart and my family's safety, I won't do it anymore."

"I've no excuses for not being able to protect your family. I am sorry." Taehyung tried to reach her face, but she slapped his hand away.

"All you've done is make this worse. You're gonna take me back to Incheon and show your cruelty to everyone by cutting me into pieces. If you don't, your father would." She sucked in a strained breath and clenched her eyes shut as her head shook back and forth. "It's not about me anymore. Chaeryoung is involved. I can't take risks."

"I won't kill you. You're my fiance."

"Hera is your fiance, Taehyung. Not me." She brought a trembling hand up to her mouth. "I've done everything to have Hera away from Baekhyun, and I'll keep doing it, so stop looking for a war."

Taehyung chuckled, his expressions changed. "That was just an excuse, darling. It's you. It's always going to be you." He brushed her hair back, and leaned forward to whisper in her ear. "Now, how about a goodbye kiss? Hmm?"

"What game are you and Baekhyun playing?" Joy asked, and he looked down at her, his breath hitting her skin.

"There's no game."

"Liar. I don't have any idea about it, but I'm sure that I won't let me or Hera become a part of it," she whispered, piercing him with her cutting gaze.

"Oh, you're a part of the game. And, I'm going to win you back-"


"Goodbye kiss?"

Joy smirked. "Do you think that we women are so weak that you could use our so called modesty against us?" She wrapped her fingers around his neck, and pushed him against the wall. "Then, you're mistaken. Fuck you and my modesty. Stop trying to look for something that isn't there."

"What I can give you to have you on your knees right this moment?" He chuckled, and she tightened her grip. "You look damn hot right now."

"How about you on your knees-"

Illicit Affairs [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now