19 | Kingdom Fall

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Thank you for all the encouragement in the last chapter ♥️

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Thank you for all the encouragement in the last chapter ♥️

"This is stupid."

Taemin stood beside Baekhyun, and gulped the liquor in his hands. His eyes were glued to his child fiance and he shook his head as he filled the glass and took another shot. Baekhyun patted his shoulder and chuckled slowly.

"You're the highlight of the night. Don't get drunk, dear friend." He took the glass from him, and smiled at Yeji, who turned away from him. "Guess your fiance doesn't like me."

"She's is Taehyung's sister. Of course she doesn't like you." Taemin looked at him like the latter was crazy to even expect Yeji's greeting. "And, don't call her my fiance -"

"Oh then how about future wife?" Baekhyun teased more and Taemin almost punched him when Taehyung strolled to the scene, and nodded at them. "Hello Capo!" Baekhyun greeted, his voice filled with enthusiasm.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, and looked at Taemin. "It's time for a dance between the main couple, that is you and my sister." He placed a hand over his shoulder and Taemin growled when his grip tightened. "It was your father's treaty with mine. Don't do anything that can cause a war. Yeji is a good person, treat her nicely."

"Ah! Taemin, are you being threatened right now?" Baekhyun piped in, and smirked when Taehyung glared at him.

"He is." He patted Taemin hard on the back, and walked away.

"Ah that bastard-" Taemin paused when saw Taehyung walking around the hall to meet Joy. "Ya, Baekhyun, why do I feel like he's going to ask Joy for a dance?"

Baekhyun's eyes moved to them. "He can do whatever he wants."

"Aren't you worried about Joy?"

"Nope." He shook his head. "She's a family, and we don't doubt family." He gestured him towards Yeji who was coming towards them, and excused himself swiftly.

"Can you join me for a dance?" Taehyung was careful to check his tone when he asked Joy to come by his side. Wendy, standing beside her, scoffed and drank her champagne.

"I'm not sure...." she pretended to ask Wendy for help, and the blonde shooed her away. "Don't smile, you don't smile," she muttered as they swayed on the floor.

"You okay?" he asked softly and she met his gaze before looking away. "You must've been startled by all the events, I don't blame you."

"I'm disappointed, you know." Joy smiled, it didn't reach her eyes. She looked exhausted. "My whole life is a mess and I don't know what to do... Whom to trust.."

Taehyung twirled her around. "That's because you're going easy on the people who did you wrong. This world is a place where you don't wait for Karma, you give it yourself."

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