30 | Illicit Affairs

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"Are you judging me right now?"

Taehyung scoffed, and Hera glanced at him. He seemed deep in thought, and she could see the lines appearing over his face with a frown spreading across his features. She had no idea about him killing her older brother, and although it did come as a shock to her, she tried her best minimise the judgment.

"You were only eleven." Hera looked away, and pressed her lips together.

"Don't you think that history is repeating itself?" Taehyung's frown deepened. "Wendy fell in love with a man she was asked to first, but then the deal was broken, and her relationship with her lover became an illicit affair."

"Just like us four..." She whispered, "Wendy has already gotten her revenge on your father, and now she wants to destroy Mujabihan. To be honest, I'm scared of her."

"Do you also hate your own clan?"

"I do. Not my clan, but the one ruling it. My father threw my brother out of the clan, and put him upfront on the board to face misery and hatred... I might not remember much about my brother, but I know he was wronged. My father does not care about any of us, so yes, I had agreed to help Baekhyun in destroying the reign of my father."

"What about your brother? Huening Kai."

"He's going to leave the country with Yuna after everything is over." Hera smiled. "They're so in love, and now that they're of age, I want them out of this hell hole."

"That's good." Taehyung laid back in the bed, and Hera followed the suit. "Do you have any plan how to defeat Wendy? Without hurting her?"

"I thought you hated her?" She turned to him, and his chest rose and fell in a rhythm.

"I do. I hate her..." His voice was just above a whisper. "I resent her more. Does that make sense?" He turned to her, and they stared at each other silently. "Baekhyun is going to be mad when he'll know what we've planned on doing."

Hera chuckled. "Well, it's not his responsibility to make sacrifices. What do you think Joy's reaction would be?"

Taehyung smiled. "She'll be mad. Hell mad. Not during the plan, but after she comes to know why I did what I did. She cares too much." He looked up at the ceiling. "Sometimes I wonder if I deserve her or not."

"Since we're on the topic, how about you tell me of the particular moment when you fell in love with her?" Hera gushed. "She looks too stubborn to be with you, so I'm confused how she accepted you in the first place."

"We're not friends."

"Well, we're partners in crime."

"I've an unflinching capability to listen to Taylor swift." Taehyung smirked, and she slapped his arm. "Okay.. Okay.. She didn't fall first. It was me. After I came to Byeongsa, all I saw was hatred and dislike for me, and... I was a kid. It fucked me up. When I first got engaged to Joy, she was just a kid or whatever, but I couldn't see her as anything else..."

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