5 | The Beginning Of The End

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Sal-inja mansion

Sooyoung blinked.

She found herself back in that night again. Peeking through the curtain to watch her brother, Kevin on his knees in front of Yuqi. A wide smile on both of their faces. Yuqi was in tears, and she grinned and stopped herself from making her presence known. She didn't want to startle them.

And then it happened.

A loud gunshot made her jump, and she looked up to see Yuqi fall on the ground, her eyes wide open and a big spot on her forehead. Before Kevin could understand what happened, he was shot too. Blood pooled around his head, and Sooyoung screamed. She ran to the common room where Yuqi's sister, Chaeryeong was playing piano, completely unaware of the turmoil.

She grabbed the girl's hand, and turned around to run when she heard a loud scream. Her mother. "No!" The voice ripped through her throat as she ran outside to see her father dead on the ground, and her mother sobbing near the body. Chul woo cranked his neck and then shot her mother too.

Sooyoung gasped as Chaeryeong screamed, scared. Chul woo looked up, his gun pointing out at them, but before he could shoot them, Sooyoung also grabbed the gun from the drawer nearby and pointed at him. "What's going on?" She screamed, her body trembling.

"Your father was a snitch." He snarled, and loaded the gun again.

Sooyoung pulled Chaereyeong behind her. She needed to save the kid. She had to. Her red teary eyes glared at Chulwoo as he smirked, and again pointed the gun at the girls. "Say your last prayer."

"Joy, wake up. Hey..."

She woke up with a start, and looked around wide eyed. "Hey, you're okay." Baekhyun patted her back, and sat beside her. "Still the same nightmare?" he asked, but his eyes told her that he knew. He knew she was struggling to keep herself in check after that horrific night. It had been years, but still felt like it happened yesterday. The night which snatched everything from her. From Chaeryoung.

"I'm sorry." She lowered her head and sighed. "Joy... It's been four years, but I still struggle with the new name."

Baekhyun and Joy had formed a comforting friendship over the years, and even though Joy had belonged to the other clan first, she found people in the the Capo familia supportive of his decision to keep her there. With time and his help she became a true Sal-inja in these past years. She won't say she didn't miss Byeongsa or certain someone there, but some things were inevitable and had made peace with it.

"Come back on the earth." He flicked her forehead, and she shook her head, smiling.

Joy placed a hand on her forehead, and closed her eyes, she needed to get herself together. Her mind had a habit of falling into a past circle whenever she would have an encounter with a certain memory, she needed to change it. It had been years. Years. "When did you come back?" she asked Baekhyun. "I thought you weren't coming back for another week from China?"

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