27 | Inspite Of My Fears

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Double update before you guys start sending me threats again

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Double update before you guys start sending me threats again. Lol


Hera pushed him away gently, and looked up at him as they stood close to each other. Her lips trembled and legs almost gave out because of standing in the shower for a long time. He also seemed tired, but they stood still there, and again leaned for another kiss when a loud screech had them jumped apart.

"Ya!" Chaeryoung had her eyes wide open as she stared at the two. Felix also had his mouth opened in disbelief. "Get out of there, you assholes!" She screamed, and Felix started dragging her out of the bathroom. "You nut job, bastard and you bitch, come out here!"

"Looks like she did see us," Taehyung muttered under his breath, and turned off the shower before grabbing Hera's hand. "If it didn't work out, I'm going to kick you down from the terrace of this so called hotel."

"Maybe I should drag you down with me then." Hera glared at him and they walked out to the bedroom, where a fuming Chaeryoung was pacing back and forth in the place. "Hey you listen to me-"

Chaeryoung was furious and grabbed Hera by hair. "You think you can take my sister's place, you crazy bitch. I'm gonna kill you!" She growled when Taehyung pushed her away from Hera, and she slapped him hard, the sound echoing in the room. "You crazy bastard, son of a bitch. My sister is ready to sacrifice anything for you. To protect you. And you did this to her. You don't deserve her-"

"She told me herself to go after Hera. That me and her is not happening." Taehyung looked at her calmly. Hera walked around, and sat on the bed, exhausted. "Your sister did this. Don't blame me-"

"She did it because Wendy has something against her! I don't know what but she has. How can you let her go so easily and...." Chaeryoung glanced at Hera, and closed her eyes. "I brought Joy here so that you could talk her out of it. Out of this marriage. I even searched this guy..." She looked at Felix. "On Instagram and got to know that you're coming here for some business."

"I appreciate your efforts, but nothing can be done." Taehyung shrugged.

"How can someone's feelings change so fast?" She stepped back, shocked and then huffed as she stared at Felix. "But, it runs in the blood, I guess."

"Kid, go back to your room before Jimin finds you here." Hera covered her face with her hands, and sighed. "This is adult business and you clearly won't understand it. Leave."

"You don't deserve my Sooyoung. And, you -" Chaeryoung gazed at Hera. "You don't deserve Baekhyun. You all are too fucked up to feel that innocent emotion. Love... You don't deserve to be loved." With those words she walked out of the room, and Taehyung gestured Felix to follow her out.

"Chae, stop!" Felix grabbed her hand, and pulled her back to face him. "Are you... okay?" he asked awkwardly, and she closed her eyes as her eyes teared up. "Chae, don't get upset about it -"

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