38 | War Of Hearts

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The silence was deafening as Taehyung and Joy headed towards their bedroom. She was angry, so angry after knowing the arrangement capo had made between Chaeryoung and Eun woo. She was not informed, and to know that he kept her in dark made her mad. They just had their first fight after the union.

"Are you going to glare at my back all the time?" He asked roughly as they entered the room.

She scoffed. "Chaeryoung expected me to explain why she's engaged to Eun woo. She looked at me as if I had a fucking idea!"

"It was the only way to keep her safe!"
His body shook with barely contained anger. The moment the door of the room closed behind them all hell broke loose. "Why are you questioning my intention? Do you think I got some kind of deal out of this?"

"No! I didn't think that, but I wanted you to discuss it with me beforehand instead of shoving it into her face. She's a kid, Taehyung!"

"This is mafia, just stop! I gave a fucking order Joy and when I command something I expect to be followed. Eunwoo did." he lashed out and she flinched. "I'm doing every fucking thing to get my men under my control because I don't want them to think I'm a pussy just because I went easy on you! I want to keep you safe too."

"But, what about her consent?"

"There's no such thing here. Mafia marriages are supposed to be to have a safety cover or to strike a deal. No in between," he said, and saw the minute her eyes changed from regretful to angry.

"You're doing things to show how cruel you are, and I supported you on this! I did because I understand that part of mafia, but not this. Consent fucking matter. For Chaeryoung, it matters."

"Don't start with me-"

"Taehyung." She went to him. "Chae has spent her half of life seeing betrayals, death and loneliness. It has affected her negatively, why are you not understanding?"

Taehyung closed his eyes as if it pained him to hear what she was saying, "Don't fucking push me, Joy," his eyes were stormy when he opened them again and his voice low and dangerous as he spoke. "Chaeryoung would be so damn naïve that she don't recognize the fact that she's been living this 'life' her whole existence. It's her mistake if she just never realized it before."

"Woah!" Joy stared at him. "So, we're playing a blaming game now. It all would have been avoided if you had given me a heads-up, and I had talked to Chae about it! You fucked up her mind."

"I didn't have a choice."

"You were so hard on that girl, Tae. I didn't expect it of you. You know how much I care about her!"

"I am so hard on her because I care about you damn it!" he exploded. "Because I know you'll get hurt if anything happens to her."

Joy stared dumbstruck at him for a few seconds and her expression was reflected in his face as well, as if he couldn't believe the words that had left his mouth, "Taehyung…"

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