21 | Cruel Summer

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I feel like you guys are getting confused about everything

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I feel like you guys are getting confused about everything. Lol. Next chapter will contain more flashbacks from their pasts. I hope you're enjoying the story. Thank you ♥️

"I feel like we're in the 'Gathering' again."

Wendy sipped her drink, and glanced at the newly appointed bodyguard. "Take care of my husband. He's a clueless idiot. I don't want anyone to hurt him while we're staying in the night with a lot of enemies."

Park Rose bowed. "Yes, ma'am." She went to Chanyeol and introduced herself, and the latter was angry, and felt like everyone considered him a kid. Wendy shook her head at his tantrums and signaled Rose to stay close to him. She looked at Baekhyun. "Sungjae is here. Introduce Joy to him."

Baekhyun hummed, and just like they had planned, he introduced Joy to Sungjae, and the two hit off pretty quickly. Sungjae was a gentleman who had a good sense of humor and Joy seemed to enjoy it more than she thought she would.

Taehyung smirked to himself. "Bloody hell." His grip tightened around the glass in his hands. "Baekhyun really Fucked up. I'm glad Joy told me this. It gives me a comfort that she's by my side."

Namjoon sighed. "I apologise I did not give you this information before."

"Something doesn't feel right though." Taehyung hummed. "Can you fact check this whole information?" 

"Okay." Namjoon nodded, and he gave the whole mess a thought.

"Chungha. I'll talk to her. Let's discuss this at home." He hummed. "For now, I gotta go and discuss my terms and conditions with my little lover. She's getting too cozy with that man for my liking." Before he could approach her, he saw Joy walking to Baekhyun, and stopped himself.

"I like Sungjae, I'll think about it." She smiled, and told the Capo some good news.

Hera was mad.

She glared at Joy as she hugged Baekhyun and stared at Hera, smiling innocently. That woman was going to ruin Sal-inja, she could feel it in her bones and still Baekhyun trusted her like a lost puppy. It was driving her nuts. Just as whatever the conversation that duo was having completed, Baekhyun excused himself to attend a call, and Hera followed him.

"You need to open your fucking eyes." She was quick to remark as soon as Baekhyun hung up the hall. He looked up at her, and she gulped. "You promised me that we're going to be a team, to rule together. You've to listen to me."

Capo Sal-inja sighed, and strolled towards her lazily. Taking her hand in his, he took her to the adjoining room, and she almost pulled away when he stared into her eyes. Baekhyun stepped forward, pushing her back in to the room. "Let's have a talk."

He stared down into her face intently for several seconds and for just a heartbeat, Hera felt as if she was falling into the endless crystalline blue of his magnetic eyes before he gripped her shoulders and hunkered down so that they were at eye level. "I'll talk to you on phone, I think you're drunk."

"A Capo never gets drunk."

Hera remained stubbornly mute, not willing to take risk with being a drunk Baekhyun in the room. Her breathing was heavy and his eyes drifted down to where her chest was heaving. He stepped closer to her and in response Hera took an involuntary step back. He was dangerous—far more dangerous than she'd realized. A simple look from him was like free falling from an airplane. Her stomach dropped to her toes and her body shivered in awareness of how attractive she found him. She had to get out of here—now.

It took him all of a second to figure it out too and he stalked her, invading her personal space until mere inches separated them. "You're beautiful..." he purred, allowing the back of his hand to ghost over her cheek, making her pulse race with everything—except fear.

"Baekhyun -" Her knees hit the couch and she cell there as he leaned in and placed a kiss over her neck. She held her breath and shivered when his fingers caressed her hand. "I find it hot that my lover care about me."

Facing him, she said, "We're not lovers. There are... There are no feelings involved. We're together because we've same motives." She had a straight face, too proud to let her feelings out.

Baekhyun let out a deep chuckle. Grabbing the back of her neck, he lifted his knee in the couch and hovered over her face as he made her lay back unconsciously. Her hands trembled as they held his biceps, holding him just above her. "No feelings involved?"

"Sexual tension is not equal to having feelings." She turned her head away and he dropped his head to swirl her milky skin with his tongue, the action sent vibrations to her core and her skin tingled when he repeated the action again and again, kissing her neck, jawline as his hands traveled down her body. "Baekhyun, what are you..." she moaned.

"We may have a sexual tension," he breathed out over her lips and she swallowed hard, his ocean eyes did things to her. "But, you've feelings for me. You're always thinking of ways to protect me," he whispered as his fingers caressed her face. "And, dare I say, I love it."

"I should leave-" Hera was quick to retreat on the matter of heart, but Baekhyun wasn't having any of that. He took a hold of her wrist and pushed it down to the couch, his knees holding her back to the place. "This isn't right, someone can see us -"

"Then let them." His laugh was dark as he scanned her face, lust clouding his senses like an eruption of a volcano. "They can only envy and wish they were us." He pushed his hand under her shirt and she closed her eyes. "Come on, you're dying for that release..." The only sound that could be heard in the room was their harsh breathing. "Say it," he demanded, "You've touched yourself while you thought of me..."

Her hand tightened on his shoulder until it was almost painful. "I don't know what you are saying -"

"Oh really?" He breathed against her ear, sending shivers up and down her spine. His hand drifted down her heaving belly to cup her sex. He brushed her sensitive core and her lips parted as she hid her face into his chest and held back her moan. "Then we're done here..."

He pulled his hand away and was going to lean away when she held him in the place. "Don't leave... Don't... I have... You're right. I've thought of you while I was..." she encircled her arm around his shoulder. "While I was fucking myself into the oblivion. Are you happy now?" she gritted, and he laughed again.

"Good girl." Baekhyun's blue eyes turned cold as he kissed her cheek and then moved away, making her frown. Her confusion lasted for a second before came over her, and kissed the side of her mouth, making her gasp.

"Baekhyun?" Her heart pounded in her chest. Even though Hera was strong and independent woman, she had always wanted a man who had a capability to control her in bed, and she had no shame in admitting that she liked it even though it scared her a little.

Baekhyun leaned over her back to whisper in her ear. "You know what's coming, right?" His smile could felt by his words, and she lifted her face to kiss him.

"Yes." She knew that was all he needed to hear, and shuddered when he moved closer. The night was just getting started and it excited her.

"Ti scoperò fino all'oblio, amore mio."

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