18 | Four Seasons

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I apologize in advance for the crappy chapter

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I apologize in advance for the crappy chapter. I was almost going to unpublish this story few days back, but gave myself a bit of time, and finally wrote this chapter. I feel like the story is not good enough, but your comments pushed me write another chapter. Bear with me please...

"Don't do that."

Baekhyun ran a hand over his face, and halted his steps. Pressing the phone on the other ear, he asked, "What do you mean? That's a good way to manipulate Joy and -"

"It's not." Hera smiled, laying in the bed. "Joy isn't a fool. I mean, she is, but you won't be able to get her to your side with just a little guilt trip."

"So, what should I do?" He asked as his eyes went to Joy and Chanyeol, who were strolling in the garden. "I need to get her on the right track before I and Wendy takes an action."

"Make yourself victim." Hera twirled her hair. "Tell Joy that Wendy is plotting against her, and how you're against the idea of hurting her. Tell her that you consider her your family and wants to protect her from the big bad villain in the story."

"Are you, perhaps..."

She hummed. "Make Wendy villain."

"Am I understanding what you are saying." Baekhyun chuckled and took a deep breath. "Okay. I'll do it."



Joy sat in the bench, and shook her head, not believing what Baekhyun had just told her. Did Wendy hate her that much? But, again the blonde had caught her with Taehyung two times, she was ought to doubt her intentions.

"Wendy thinks that you're betraying us. To be honest, Joy..." Baekhyun sat beside her. "I also don't like it when you meet Taehyung. You know that we have a past and you still-"

"I took Taehyung's side because that was all I learnt about." Joy looked at him. "You never gave me a reason, you never justified your actions -"

"Maybe because I'm guilty of it." He shrugged. "When we are new to this world, we make decisions that are out of our control. Leaving Taehyung was one of that. You might hate us for it, but we love you."


He placed a hand over her head, and smiled. "You're a part of the famiglia," he said gently. "We have done a lot of things in the past, but you're above of it. Come back to us. Please."

The guilty Joy felt was tremendous. She hated the fact that she took decision without making up her mind. Baekhyun was right. He had always treated her like a family and she had no right to doubt his intentions when she had nothing to give to him. Why would he lie? And, Wendy... She was crying, according to Baekhyun, because she didn't want to take a revenge on Joy. It was messed up. All because of her one decision.

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