8 | Dirty Games

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'Come to the gathering, darling. I'll be waiting for you.'


Joy resented him. He never came for her, never warned her about his moves, apart from their parting moment. He always kept his boundaries and she became a true Sal-inja in that time period, but now he had openly challenged her. 'I'm coming for you.' Even thinking about it made her loose her mind. Should she tell everything to Baekhyun? But, what if it lead to a war? Innocent lives would be sacrificed, and she didn't want that. People here already hated her, she didn't want to give them another reason for it.

"Knock. Knock."

Joy jumped, and turned around to see Yuna there. "Oh! Hi." She smiled lightly, and the younger one frowned.

"You look stressed. Everything alright?" Yuna entered the room, and closed the door behind. "Or are you stressed about our visit to Incheon? If you are, then don't be. I'm with you."

Joy placed a hand over her cheek. "How are you Seventeenand so understanding? All these years and you still accompany me to devil's home..."

"We're family, and we still have like a week before we go there. Why are you stressed about it now?"

"Yuna... This time, I feel like I should go alone or maybe not go at all. I don't know, I don't feel good about it. I don't want to put you in danger-"

"As I said, we're a family." Yuna squeezed her hand. "Don't worry about it. You're coming with me to the Boarding school a week later. Our classic excuse." She winked.

Joy chuckled. "Okay." She watched the girl exiting the room, and her smile fell off her face as she went to Baekhyun, who was talking to his advisors. She waited for him to finish before approaching him. "I need to talk to you about something."

He smiled. "Cara, I was about to meet you. Chaeryoung won't talk to me because I missed Christmas dinner, and I wanted to apologize to you -"

"I want to attend the annual ball. The gathering, I mean."

The Gathering.

That was what it called. Once a year, all the powerful organisations would come together to make a peaceful union, and talk about the importance of unity against the foreign organizations. Since, she turned 22 this year, she was eligible for the gathering now. The age for the men was 18, but 21 for women because according to them, women needed more time to be mentally prepared for the mafia thing.

"What did you say?"

She blinked. "I want to join the gathering. It has been years, and I don't want to hide anymore."

"Do you know what you're saying?" He raised his eyebrows, and she looked away.


"Chanyeol!" He called out, and Joy jumped on her feet, startled. The man rushed there, and Baekhyun's eyes flared. "I want you to stay with Joy as I and Wendy attend tonight's gathering."

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