12 | Night Changes

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He stared at his father, unflinching, and raised his brows when the old man approached him. "Yes, Capo," Taehyung said, and glanced at the door. Namjoon was standing there with a frown, but one nod from his boss relaxed him.

"This is my revenge. She killed my son," Mr Kim placed a hand over his shoulder.

"You handled things years ago, without telling me, and I'm so angry to see that this haven't changed yet. You're still trying to outsmart me."

"I'm Capo."

"I'm your oldest son-"

"A bastard might I remind you."

Taehyung scoffed. "Do you think that matters to me? It doesn't. The throne is mine. You should start learning how to respect future Capo, dear father."

"Can you stay out of the matter?"

"I believe not only her, but someone else is in the house too. What is Yuna doing here?" Taehyung asked in a low voice. "Why is an innocent-"

"Oh! No one is innocent in the world. Don't act like you know people, son." Mr Kim walked past him, and Joy stiffened, scared. Her eyes went to Taehyung, but latter didn't make any move to protect her. "Don't look at him, honey. I'm Capo right now. And, my son and people will listen to me today." His smile was sinister.

Joy clenched her jaw, trying to appear strong, but her aching body was failing her miserably. "Why don't you let Yuna go first? Then take your revenge?" She asked in a strong voice, and his smirk widened. "Byeongsa, that I remember, is all about pride and honour-"

"That's a stupid slogan Taehyung has come up with." He waved his hand as if it didn't matter. "Everything is fair in war, you know. Felix is having fun with her, your dear friend or whatever you call her."

"You won't do that. Baekhyun will kill you," Joy said, but her voice was shaking, fear visible in his eyes. She moved her eyes to the bodyguard standing by the door, the one who had made her believe that Taehyung had it all planned, and nothing would happen to Yuna. "She's a child! How could you -" she was about to lose it when the familiar bodyguard signalled her to stay silent. Again.

Wait, she knew him.

When Joy used to live in Byeongsa clan, she had met him numerous times in the parties. He was Namjoon. Chughua's bodyguard. His eyes warned her against to say anything that could rile Mr Kim more, but it was about Yuna. How could anyone expect her to stay silent?

"Namjoon." Taehyung interrupted Joy's upcoming anger, and nodded at the guard. "Take her away. Ask Chungha to help you."

Her eyes widened, and she stepped away from him. "Yuna. I want to meet her first. Where is she! Where is she! What did you do to her!" Joy's panic increased when nobody answered her, and thousands of worst scenarios filled her mind. "Please, I beg you." She fell on her knees, and joined her hands in front of Mr Kim. "Please, I'll do anything. Save her. She's a child! Please."

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