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I put several plastic bag from the shopping on the kitchen counter as Kang Ahjumma smiled at me. "Thank you very much, Agassi. I'm sorry for burdening you helping me."

I shook my head. "It's okay, really, Ahjumma. Besides, I have nothing to do at home and--"

"Thank you for giving us chance for a date."

Jongin's voice came from behind me. I saw Kang Ahjumma trying harder to stiffle her chuckled before bid a farewell to prepare for lunch. I look beside to Jongin.

"A date? Really, a date?"

Tch. He considered it as a date. Me either but still, what's so difficult for him to say those three words directly to me again? Why must Mrs. Kim the one told me instead of him?

I don't care if I heard so desperate right now but I just want the admittion from him. I want to know if he isn't playing with my feelings before I fell even more deeper for him. He is a casanova anyway.


"A date? Really, a date?"

He was taken aback. Hana is cold to him so suddenly. It somehow shot strike to his pride. Didn't Omma said she told her about his feeling for her?

And then he snapped out of it. Could she perhaps doesn't have the same feeling the way his feeling for her? Or she only saw Myungsoo in her eyes? That thought causing his fist to clench tightly.

"Sorry, if you don't like it." Mutters him through his gritted teeth and walks out from the kitchen.

He cursed to himself. He never felt this hurt. Even the losing of her doesn't affected him like how Hana did to him right now. So this is the feeling of rejection?

"Kids..." Without he realized, he arrived backyards where his kids were. Three different sounds of barking could be heard as three puppies ran to him.

Monggu is the first to jump onto his lap as Jjanggu licked his sharp jawline. Jjangah is the smallest, also the last to reach beside him with a soft barks.

At least, his kiddos light up his previous down mood awhile ago. A small smile slowly curled on his lips as he ruffled the thick fur of Monggu.

"Kids... I have a love problem." Confessed him to the puppies. And as if they understands him, Monggu barks replying him. He sat down on the grass while hugging the three and chuckle.

"Do you know who am I talking about?" This time, it's Jjanggu barking causing Jongin to giggle. "It's not about Mijoo," He stopped midway to see they don't give any reation.

"It's Hana--" As on cue, the puppies let out a loud barks. Jongin laughs. "You didn't even reacted when I say Mijoo." He rubs Jjangah's white tummy happily and Jjanggu continuously licking its master's jawline. Maybe because it was so sexy. Hell, yeah.



Okay. My heart is freaking hurts. My feeling was played by him. Why must I arrived on the wrong timing when he mentioned a girl name? Ugh.

I gathered back myself before walk out from my hidden place; behind a tree nearer him and his puppies. I don't know the three puppies that I always feed are his. I though they were Mrs. Kim's or Sehun's.

"Ahem..." I clear my throat and put down three plates of dog's food. Monggu, Jjanggu and Jjangah hurriedly take places for their lunch.

"What are you doing here?" Asked Jongin without even look at me and plays with Jjangah's white snow fur. Heol. How could he just ignored me when he clearly says his feeling for me yesterday?

But, heck. What's wrong with me? Gaaahh. I think my day of the month is just around the corner.

"I'm talking to you." He finally looks up at me under his fringes. I huffed a raspberry, "Oh, really? Talking to them, then." What I really meant is, talking to Mijoo, then.

Second later, I was towered by Jongin's height as his eyes piercing down to mine. "I don't understand you." He told me. "Once, you're in your cheerfully mood but now, you're cold abruptly."

"Well, I don't understand you, either. Once, you said you loves me even though it was not directly since you thought I was sleeping that time but now, you just mentioned that Mijoo girl and even seems ignoring me."

I blew on my bangs after finished arranging words that I want to say to him in my brain. Should I say it out loud?

"Hah! Now, you're giving me a silent treatment."

I chewed on my lips, preventing myself from crying out loud. Dammit. We're not even official yet but I was really hurts by his words. And heck, why am I quickly become offended day by day?

Instead of respons to him, I dragged my feet away but he is faster enough to catch my elbow. "Where do you think you're going?"

I'm sure my eyes are red now since I swallow back the cry. Told ya, I never ever cry because of someone. Or more specific, a guy. Or should I say, a stranger guy that suddenly stole my heart completely.

The last time I cried was 3 years ago when Taehyung oppa stole my favourite poster of B.A.P, saying that Daehyun should be replaced with him since their faces are almost similar.

"What do you want?" Questioned me annoyingly. He could just let me go if he is playing with my feelings and all and go away to his Mijoo instead of keeping me still with him here.

"I just want you to hear me," How hard I'm avoiding him, I still got hypnotized by Jongin's aura in his eyes. "I--"


Aeyun's voice interrupted Jongin's speech. She was waving at me from behind the transparent glass door. Probably Sehun brought her here.

"I have to go." Mumbled me to Jongin and marched away from him but, another failure. It happens in a lightning speed as he pulled me back to him with his other hand pulling my nape, smacking his lips on mine without I expected.

In front of my best friend, Park Aeyun.


I couldn't helped my obsession for Lovelyz since I'm using Mijoo, Yein and Sujeong into this ff lmao ;_;


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