Kim Jongin

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I awaken by my sleepy head fell on the study table. Sehun was sitting in front of me, giving me that annoying look. I blew on my bangs and return back to study. I still in process to kill him.

Currently, I'm in a library that place at the ground floor of Kim's mansion. This place is full of book, like I mentioned before, this is a library duh. So, this room also being the study or working room since it has many information such as an Ensiklopedia and many more. It clears your thought of Sehun sitting in front of since he had his own assignment to do.

I yawned again. I don't know why I feel so sleepy at this time. 8 in the evening. It's rare for me to jump on the bed at this time. My eyes scanning the Physics book in front of me but my mind scanning the memories that I'd been thinking of at school today.

That bittersweet detention.

I snickered by thinking of that moment again. Me and him, running away from the detention through the window without Mrs. Ha's knowing. Thankfully, the room is placed on the ground floor. I could tell I was blushing the moment he suddenly grip on my hand tightly as we ran passed the school gate before separating to our own way home. Awww...

"Crazy," Sehun's voice slipped into my mind. I turn to him, scowling meanwhile he was scoffing at me. "What?" I snapped, mentally tearing his head off.

"Omma andwae!"

We both tilted our head to the door of the library upon hearing a whining voice. Sehun smirked and continue with his assignment while me waiting in anticipation. Who is it? Maybe it was Mrs. Kim's son that I'd never meet before.

"Study is not my style. I have no homework! I have no--"

"Kim Jongin, shut up and read some book if you has nothing to do." It was Mrs. Kim's voice.

Kim Jongin? Why does the name seemed familiar?

Someone enter this room and I could tell he is not pleasant by the way he slammed the door closed.

"Yah, Oh Se--"


That Kim Jongin guy jumped a little by my sudden out burst. His eyebrows furrowed for a second before he suddenly realized whoever I am.

"Oh.. you."

He didn't seemed that suprised to see me like I did. I pointed a finger at him, still progressing of meeting him in this unexpected situation where he is the one and only son of Kim's. "How rude of you pointing a finger to a handsome guy like me?"

Tch. So full of himself.

Time Skip

I already yawned for the nth time already. Sehun already leave this room after succesfully done his assignment with Jongin's nagging at him of how his dissatisfaction to his own mom of forcing him to study.

If you ask if it was only the two of us in this room right now then, yes. I still has a few page more to done.

Jongin? He was laughing his butt off across me. Reading a comic instead of study. I need to thank him later for making my sleepy mode faded away by his creepy laughs.

He went silent in a sudden. I couldn't help but to curious of what was he doing right now. How can he stop laughing immediately?


I knock on Sehun's room for a few times but the result is still the same. "Yah, brat!" I shouted on the door, hoping he would at least reply me from inside. But... silent.

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