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"Why are you resemble Tao so well with those dark circle under your eyes," Aeyun stated as she have been examined my face for the passed few minutes after entering the class. "Well, except the puffy eyes. Tao doesn't have it."

I roll my eyes. "Good morning to you too, Park Aeyun."

She tched and keep on observing me. It started to creep me out. "I just remembered to ask you," She clears her throat, pushing her chair closer to mine.

"Why weren't you picked up my calling yesterday? Where were you?"

I sighed. I have no time to check my phone since I arrived at Busan. I even haven't check it this morning. It's useless. I just thinking back to return the phone to him instead use it and remind me of our memories.

"I'm going back to Busan yesterday." I answered her second question and let the first question to slip away. Aeyun gasped dramatically, "Together with Myungsoo?!"

I shot her a look. How on earth this girl knows about it? "How did you know?"

She make a duh face. "Luhan and Xiumin saw you with him in the library yesterday. On top of that, Kris have been trying to call Myungsoo and he had his phone off," She smirks at me. "Just like you."

I have no mood to argue with her today. The incident this early morning still haven't digest yet in my brain and I don't want to fill in a new things.

"Yeah. As what XiuHan told you, that's why he drove me there. It's an urgent."

And the conversation stop right there. Thankfully, Sehun called for her and she happily skipping towards him. I sighed heavily, leaning my head on the wall and look out to the big rectangle window beside my seat.

At least, the green trees on the field soothe my mind.


"I can't drive you back home today," Myungsoo said guiltyly, with a very an apologetic face and I furrowed my eyebrows. "So...?"

It's not like I want him to drive me home everyday though. And I don't even asked him to. It may be a coincidence for him to drive me home these passed few days since we met in the library but not today.

He ran from the end of the hallway where his class at towards me at the main door of the school building with distance metres away as he chanting my name over and over again, just to inform me that he can't drive me home.

Seriously, Kim Myungsoo?

He whines, "I had to send Sungjong to the clinic right now. Sungyeol said he isn't feeling well this morning and this supposed to be Sunggyu's job but he and Woohyun are going to class vocal and Hoya and Dongwoo have an appoinment with the dance agency and--"

My lips landed on his lips as a peck, just to realize it seconds after. Damn it, Hana. It happen without me realized it. I don't know how to stop this freaking handsome boy from ranting gabberish words and it just out of the blue.

I don't even know what have gotten into myself.

Myungsoo, of course he is in utter shock. I awkwardly cough, swallowing the lump on my throat harshly. I could tell my face is red right now. "I-I'm going."

I mumbled and ready for the next step before I was pulled into a backhug, with Myungsoo arms securely wrapped around me. "Thank you," He whispered on my ear.

"Thank you for giving me a chance."


"Stop sulking because it's your own fault." Dyo glares at the frown Jongin on his usual spot at the dorm as he stares out the window. His mind have been playing the scene earlier again and again.

Unexpected Love [EXO & INFINITE fanfiction] (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now