Love, Love, Love

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Staring up at the night sky, with stars twinkling around it. Only my body is here but my mind have been flying around the galaxy for how long I don't know.

I chose the coffee table at backyard as a place to memorize my dialogues since I need a concentration without anything distracting my mind at here. But I just staring on the paper instead.

Because of Myungsoo.

And Jongin.


"Can I sit?" I hear a voice across me and as I look up, Sehun's bitch face greeted me. I sighed and nodded. I'm not in the mood to bicker with him anyway.

"I saw what Myungsoo did to you at school today." He started.

I scoffed, managed to act like a diva that doesn't give a damn about it when I even can't think well right now because of that. Also with Jongin seems to avoid me now. And this boy in front of me increasing more my headache.

"Are you his Juliet?" How I wish. But I wish to be Jongin's Juliet more. "Just for practising." I said as my hand busy rearranging the dialogues that has been separated on the table.

"Do you like him?" My hand stop moving immediately. Sehun smirks, "So you do." He stated clearly, as if he sure he is not wrong. Geez, this brat. Yes, I like Myungsoo.

But I love Jongin.

"Are you here to start a fight?" Changing the topic is the best idea I have so far. There is no way I want to tell him about my feelings. He is un-trustworthy though.

He pushed a small bottle, like a perfume to me. "Help me." His voice almost begging. I shot him a look, "You want me to help you putting this perfume on you?" Heck. Oh Sehun being strange around me.

He rolls his eyes and grunted. "That doesn't make sense," I hear him mutters slowly. "I want you to help me do a favor."

Oh Sehun asking me to do a favor. How miracles is it. Seriously, if I didn't ship him with my best friend, I would change my mind.

"What is it?"


"Myungsoo kissed you?!"

I take really deep deep breath. Aeyun's usual high pitch has pulling all of the students' attention in this cafeteria. Murmurs could be heard after then together with female's whimpering voice.

"On the cheek." I quoted with a 'duh' voice. "Ahh... only on the cheek?" Aeyun said a little louder while nodding as the cafeteria turned back into normal. Just, wow. I don't know that Myungsoo's fangirls would reacted like that.

A yelped passed my lips when Aeyun smacked me playfully on the arm. "Gosh! Your dream finally came true! Your knight in shining armour having the same feeling as you! OMG. What should I ship the both of you?"

She was so busy listing out the shippers name next to me when I saw Yein run out from the cafeteria, looking so clumsy while holding her stomach. "MyungHan? SooNa? HanSoo?" Aeyun's questioned wake me up from my thought. Duh this girl.

HaIn is the best. If you know what's that meant.


The moment I stepped inside the hall, all of the characters are already prepared for practising. I saw Myungsoo at a corner, pacing back and forth with eyes closing. Probably memorized his dialogues.

Even though, I still can't stop from admiring him from far. He is just too flawless, like a fictional character in the animes or novels or anywhere. Should I be grateful because he kissed me on the cheek when all of his fangirls are dying to be in my shoes?

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