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It was Saturday morning, two days after the scene in the classroom. Also the day after I admitted to my own self that I love Kim Jongin. And I still avoiding from meeting that buffalo everywhere, even in this mansion.

I know he is as well since he keep on giving excused whenever Mrs. Kim called him for the family dinner. It was grateful though because no one noticed the awkwardness between me and him.

But I don't think I can avoid him today.

"Have you called Aeyun, Hana?" I nodded at Mrs. Kim whilst she smiled widely. "Aigoo... it've been ages since I last held a family party. We will make BBQ party tonight!" She exclaimed happily.

I heard that EXO will be coming joining the party as well. Of course though they will coming. They've been friends since childhood, refers to Aeyun.

"Hana, can you call Jongin for me? He is not supposed staying in his room for hours. That's so girlish."

I swallowed the lump on my throat. Did she just saying something related to Jongin just now? "Hana-yah? Aigoo.. why are your face become red suddenly?" Mrs. Kim scooted closer to me but I let out a fake laughs.

"N-no. I'm okay." I mentally cursing myself for easily turned red. How could I face Jongin if I keep blushing whenever he is nearer me?

Mrs. Kim sighed heavily, "You just rest. I know you're tired helping me preparing for the party tonight. I'll ask Kang Ahjumma instead calling for Jongin."

What a relief.


"Son, I kept forgetting to ask you this. But now I remembered. Where were you sleeping last two days ago?" Mrs. Kim questioned her son that has been sitting across me while watching the TV.

Meanwhile me beside the woman, act as if I have no interest on it despite feeling the thumping on my chest, anticipating what will he answer. Even though I know what his answer is. Sleeping with the girls.

"EXO's." Replied him, short and simple. Without even shift away his eyes from the TV screen. I was ready for my heart to be stabbed but no. I breath in relief. I don't know that I have been holding my breathing until now. So he is not with the girls that Sehun meant?

His eyes found mine. I don't realized that I've been staring at him this entire time. "You should tell me, son. I was worried if you had returned back to your playboy self." Mrs. Kim mumbled sulkily but we're still having staring battle.

Feeling can't holding back the violent movement of my heartbeat, I look away from his eyes and pretending to continue helping Mrs. Kim polishing her nail.

So, this is the feeling of love?

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I shoved it out. I glanced at Jongin for awhile and his eyes were sticked to the TV. Yet, when was he got the time typing this simple words and sent it to me?



Pacing back and forth in between the bookshelf, I bite my nail as my habit whenever I got impatient. Heck. Did I just indirectly said that I can't wait to meet him?

"You're fast."


I jumped a little, taken aback with the sudden deep voice coming from my behind. Faking a cough, I shoved away the thought of kicking him away for making my heart dropped.

"Why are you so speechless with me now? You even seemed to avoid me as well. This is so not Kim Hana that I know." I swear I caught the hint of tease in his voice as he playing with the books on the bookshelf that I used to lean on with that playboy smirk of him.

Unexpected Love [EXO & INFINITE fanfiction] (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now