I'm Sorry

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I blankly stare at a direction, remembering back my first kiss with Myungsoo awhile ago, the badass angel. On top of that, Jongin, the casanova saw that.

Gosh. What a cliche story I have here.

Aeyun fanning herself with her hand, ignoring the stares that she received since she just screams in a public place, cafeteria. "You're not joking, are you?"

I frowned even more. Why would I made up story? "Jongin sees that?" Aeyun repeated my narrated to her and she went crazy back. "Heooooool. I can't help you in this. It's your choice. Myungsoo or Jongin?"

My face become more frowned, if that even possible. Of course I would choose Jongin. But in this case, when I'm no more Jongin's and Myungsoo already confessed to me, I don't know.

These boys putting me in dilemma.

"Okay. Maybe I can help you," I look at Aeyun, feeling creepy what is her evil plans now. "Why don't you give Myungsoo a chance?"

I sighed, "I was thinking the same." But I just can't deleted away Jongin in my mind.


"Say, why are you always stay in the library for an hour or two after school lately?"

Myungsoo who is currently sat opposite me, asked. It seems like he has finished his last class. Although I was still awkward with him after all what had happened today, but it's not wrong to give him a chance.

"I'm sure I couldn't focus if I'm studying at home," I admitted. That's because Jongin already occupied the library at home for all day long. Though, other reason I really couldn't concentrate knowing he is just in the same roof as me.

Myungsoo gave me a long silent. I finally look up from my work and he is already gazing at me. Thump. Dugeun dugeun. Blessed his pair of alluring and beautiful eyes.

I'm really sensitive in eyes contact. It gave me a weird feeling. Especially from Jongin. The way he always stares or looks at me caused me to immediately turn into red crimson though he didn't says anything. Only with his eyes.

"I'm sorry," Myungsoo sighed, shot me a very apologetic looks. "I'm sorry for today. I didn't meant it and... and I don't know what have gotten into me that time and--"

It was a relief when the light on my phone screen on the table interupts us. I really didn't dared to see Myungsoo keep on apologizing to me.

"Yes, oppa--"

"Going back to Busan right now! Grandma is in critical."

I loose my grip on the phone and Myungsoo looks at me worried. What happened to grandma?


Immediately, I run to Taehyung upon seeing him stood up nearer the emergency room as he caught me in an embraced.

"Wh-what's wrong with g-grandma?" I tried to say between my hicupped, as I sobbing hardly making his shirt to wet. But, we didn't care. These siblings crying in each other' arms, hoping for the only family they have to be safe no matter what.

"I'm sorry for not telling you more earlier because grandma asked me to keep it from you," Taehyung faced me, wiping my tears that escaped non-stop.

"She has brain cancer. Nearly on the forth stage." And there, I broke again.

Why all of this things need to happen in my life? Once, I hope there is future between me and Jongin but I'm hurting at the end. As for now, I have all of my imagination to stay with grandma forever after finishing my school at Seoul and I'm not planning to let my second wish to destroy right away.

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