Epilogue: Lucky (Special Kai's)

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"We will have a guest later."

I look at mom strangely. She is too excited for my liking to the news of a guest will come visit us. It's a weird thing because so far I know, we don't have any relations nearer somewhere in Korea to pay a visit.

Mom said that whoever person is closer to her. And also with me. We were the best buddies back then in Busan. To be honest, I have forgotten already about my childhood years. And I don't have any ideas that mom and dad used to stay in Busan for five years before moving to Seoul because of dad's jobs.

"Girl or boy?" Sehun eagerly asked, rather than keep playing COC in his handphone. Mom smiles widely, "A girl."

"Yehet!" Sehun grins. I roll my eyes. Villager girl is not my style. I could already picture her visual. Sure. I could tell she isn't as beautiful as Mijoo.

"Damn," I curses silently. Heck. Now, I have remind myself to her. Damn I miss Mijoo so freaking much. I felt Sehun nudged the side of my stomach using his elbow. "Are you okay? You have been clenching your fist tightl--"

I have no time to hear him finish his words as I reach for my key and grab the red helmet before storming out of the house. I heard mom yells, "Going back as soon as possible! I want to introduce you to Kim Hana!"

But I pretended not to hear it and turn on the red Kawasaki engine.


I put the flowers on top of the grave. No matter what happens, Lee Mijoo is the only girl in my heart. "I miss you." I mutters bitterly, swallowing the lump on my throat.

No. I promised her to not cry again. I promised her to not bawling over her losing. But fuck, she is gone now. The only soul in my life is gone. How could I be strong?

"You're here again, young man?" An old lady approached me when I made my way to my motorbike. I beamed at her, "Of course, I'm here. I'll always be here for her."

She sighed, "But young man, you at least need to move on. I'm sure she won't to see you live in despair and sad over her lost. She wants you to be happy."

I gazed at her, "But she was my happiness." I pressed the point. No one understands my feeling for Mijoo. How much I'm hurting right now.

The old lady laughs, "Believe me," She stares into my eyes. "She was your first love but not the last and the real one."

I growled lowly. What's wrong with this damn old lady? She smiles, "The real love for you is just in front of your eyes. She is nearer around you."


I still haven't digest yet what that old lady thinking about. How dared her to say that Mijoo wasn't my real love? Who is she to say so? Gosh. What a day.

I pressed on the holder hardly as I turn to the corner of the mansion until I almost lost my balance and was about to hit on a girl but I managed to control the motorbike again and move towards the puddle.

Half of the the dirty water got splashed all over her dress she wore. "Yaaahh!!" I admit, she has this high note better than Chen. Slowly, I reverse my motorbike and stopped nearer her and she was glaring at me.


Heck. I WAS about to say sorry to her but everything I have plans was destroyed hearing her unpleasant tone. I don't like nagging girls. And she seems like the one. Gratefully, the gate opened in no time and I zoomed inside, leaving the girl behind.

God, stay her away from my life.


People gives me their attention the moment I stepped inside the class. Yeah. I'm late for the umpteenth times already and do they still need to look at me like that?

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