The History

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Will be having more SeYun's past in this chap. Just for your information. I hope there are also SeYun's shippers other than the real Aeyun lmao.

Okai, go on.


"What's wrong?"

I was a little taken aback by Jongin's voice behind me. He take a sit beside me on the dining table. And he probably noticed the frown on my face.

"Aeyun didn't reply my message." I assumed that she is still sulking at me for not replying her Kakao Talk that night but when until now, Monday morning she still hasn't replying me, of course it worried me half to death. She is my best friend after all.

"She is probably still sleeping." I shot a glare at Jongin by his nonchalant remarked. He realized my look on him and he innocently asked, "What?" I groaned and put my phone on the table, proceeding my breakfast.

"Is it me waking up on the wrong side of the bed or the both of you are really in a good term now?"

Me and Jongin cranked our neck to the direction of the voice and saw Mr. and Mrs. Kim walking inside the dining area. Jongin smirks, while looking at me. As if saying 'We're in a good term now and even more than that' through his dark brown eyes.

I widened my eyes a little, warning him to not tell about this to his parents, yet. I mean, sure, I was the one that make our relationship official now since I just can't resist him but, who knows what will our future be and we're not together as we expected.

But, duh. Of course I want us to stay together for the entire of my life and I just assumed, what if we're not for each other. I don't want to give Mrs. Kim a high hope since I'm sure she badly loving the fact I'm with Jongin now.

For now, only me and Jongin know about our feeling for each other. And perhaps, Aeyun too. Sehun as well.

"Let's go." I wake up from my thought when Jongin secretly winking at me as he grabbed his bag on the chair. "We're going." I just beamed at the couple when Mrs. Kim gave me that sly smile.

Oh well, a mom's feeling is strong than we thought.


"Can I hold your hand?"

I narrowed my eyes at the sudden shy Jongin. Heol. The casanova Kim Jongin asking me to hold my hand. "You never asked me when it comes to any skinships before and why suddenly you questioned about it now?"

He tched at me and suddenly stopped walking. Confused, I also stop dragging my legs towards the school building. "What?" And of course, he will never leave the signature smirk of him somewhere else but sending it to me.

"I'm asking because we're in public and I just don't want to make you a little awkward with their attention later."

I scoffed, almost laugh in disbilief. Since when this buffalo thinks about my feeling when he does a lot of skinships to me without asking ever this time?

"You're weird, you know that. Public or not, you still--"

"Then, don't get mad if I do this to you."


He grinned, walking towards me quickly and his lips met with my forehead. Although it was short, but I could feel the butterflies flying around my stomach. I also can hear the gasping voice around.

Probably those female students.

"Now, let's get going. I don't want the third detention for us." His genuine smile making my heart beating in abnormal way. I felt his warm hand covered with mine second after as we walks together to the class.

Well, I don't know the casanova Kim Jongin would be this sweet until I could get diabetes when he is in love.

And me either. Bleh.


"Can we talk?"

Aeyun look up from her book. Luhan already sat across her. She sighed, proceeding to read the book. "This is library, Luhan. We can't talk."

"Then, let's go to the field or the rooftop."

She glared at the boy. "No, I'm busy." As if she didn't know that Luhan would asking her about Sehun. After the incident, she haven't contact with Sehun anymore. And she is avoiding him at school.

She don't know why but she can't accepted their past. He almost killed me. Sure, she didn't know what kind of way he almost killed her but still, why he keep it from her?

And when she thought she is ready to open her heart for Sehun, he just bring back their past.

"Aeyun, please--"

"Keep quiet. This is library." The librarian came to us and warned when Luhan accidentally increased his voice volume.

He sighed. "Aeyun, please hear me if you won't to hear to Sehun. I know everything about the both of you in the past. Have you forgotten that Sehun and I are best friend? Every moments of you and him, he will always talked about it with me. And it hurts me when I know you're ignoring him after he had all the courage to tell you everything."

She gnawed on her lips. Even though her eyes focusing on the book in her hand but her mind paying attention on something else. May I say, half of her past with Sehun has return back. And she just reminisce about it.

Luhan take her with him to the rooftop. And there she broke. "I lost my memories all about him. And why must only him? Why not all my memories with you, with EXO, with my families?!"

"Because your mind was filled with him when you both gotten into the accident. We're also afraid if you lost all of your memories but the doctor says it will just affected on your first thing in your brain that time. And that was Sehun."

She couldn't help but laughs. This is so cliche. Her story is just like those dramas. She could create a novel as well. "Luhan, please. Give me some space."

"No. I'm not going to stop."


"Just stop." The pair turned their head to the rooftop door. There Sehun stood, looking so indifferent. "She need some space means her mind couldn't received any informations anymore so don't get into her line or she might burst sooner or later."

Aeyun blinked her tears away. Heck. She didn't even realized she get too emotional. Sehun's words was playful but it's true. She easily gets dizzy if her mind is too compact with things. And only Oh Sehun knows about it.

"Wake up, Aeyun. He is the only one understands you than anybody." Said Luhan one last time before he left with Sehun, leaving her alone on the rooftop.


I've not watch Back to 20, SOWK and Cart yet ←_← but I've watched Lu Han's special part in BT20.

And I cried ;;

Idk why tho hahaha. And that's why he appeared there helping SeYun's past lmao. Because I miss him ;_; he is too innocent and cute and manly and handsome and Iwanthimlolbye

And to all my readers, my voters, my followers, my commenters, I LOVE YOUUUU!! YOU'RE REALLY MY STYLEEE!! I feel like creating a fandom name for you guys ㅋㅋㅋ


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