Boy in Luv

776 28 14

"INFINITE and EXO were the best buddies since middle school. Maybe because of their house just around the corner. And even until the third year of high school, they're buddies."

"But everything changed when a girl from exchanged students came into their sight. Sehun said to me that she likes Myungsoo but Jongin likes her. Still, both were buddies. But at the end, Jongin successfully caught her heart and they dated."

"I don't know how they became enemies and that 19 best friends partly into two as INFINITE and EXO. All I know is, INFINITE are on Myungsoo's side as EXO are on Jongin's side."


"Guess who?"

I startled when a pair of hand covered my eyes in the middle of my thought. I heard a familiar chuckled as Myungsoo take a sit beside me on the bench at the school backyard.

It's P.E now and the students were doing their own things at the field but me. I just don't feel like excercising when there are things bothered me.

"You look like an architect that was thinking of what to build on the field." Myungsoo pulling a joke to me but I don't have the feeling to laugh. I badly want to ask him something but I scared.

Scared to know the truth that Myungsoo and Jongin were fighting over a girl and that's how they became enemies. You know it's hurt me? Because Myungsoo.... and Jongin.... duh. Nevermind.

"You're thinking too deep. What is it?" I fake a smile and shook my head. Why is everything I did being so obvious even when I was thinking of something?

"What are you doing here? You're supposed to play with them." I changed the topic and point to the field where boys and girls student gathered around. His dimples shown when he smile. "How about you?"

Tch. I got the same question as well. "Nope. Sungyeol ditched me for his drum so I don't have friends to play." Said him as he roll his head back on the tree behind the bench.

"INFINITE?" He scoffed. "Probably sleeping at the rooftop. We went to a party last night and returned home at 4 and whe just left 3 hours to sleep before school." His alluring eyes begin to close and yawning. He looks so tired.

And I take this gold chance to scan his anime-god like features. How can an ordinary human like him being so perfect?

I feel my left hand got jerk out of the blue causing me to stand on the ground but my right hand was gripped by Myungsoo. "Let go off her." Commanded Jongin with his cold and deep voice.

He once again tried to pull me with him but failed when Myungsoo pulled me back to him and a shrieked escaped my lips when I fell on his lap.

"Let her go." I shivered hearing Jongin's familiar low and deep voice. He is mad. I just know it when I saw both his fist clenching, unclenching.

I struggle to get away from Myungsoo but instead, I let out a gasp upon feeling a hand wrapped around my waist. "Why should I let my girl goes to you?" He nonchalantly spoke, staring at Jongin while smirking.

"You brat--" "Stop it!" I struggle strongly this time and finally freed from Myungsoo's grip. Standing in front of Jongin so he couldn't see Myungsoo, I sighed. "Don't fight."

I heard Myungsoo scoffed, "Jagiya, would you go on a date with me after school?" I spun around quickly facing Myungsoo. "What?!"

Jongin protectively wrapping his right hand on my waist this time the moment Myungsoo stood up from his sitting position just now. "Sorry but, she has something to do with me after school and then going home together."

Unexpected Love [EXO & INFINITE fanfiction] (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now