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"You're coming?!"

I shrieked excitedly, bouncing on the bed violently. I don't care who would see me because I was beyond excited now.

He chuckles, "Of course, I'm coming. I'll never missed the memory of my beloved sister graduating from her high school."

I laugh. So cheesy. And that's my brother, Kim Taehyung. "I'll text you the address. Or you might going straight to my school. I have 2 hours more left before my graduation." I stated, hands already busy pulling out my school uniform.

Gosh. I will miss my high school year. I can't believe I'm getting older day by day.


"Your brother is coming?" Mrs. Kim asks and I nodded. "Will he sleep at home? Oh my... I need to ask Kang Ahjumma to prepare his room." Mrs. Kim starts to panic as I chuckled.

"No need, Mrs. Kim. He will just pay a visit on me and then going back to Busan." I said. I'm sure Taehyung oppa have classes tomorrow so he can't sleep in Seoul.

"Is that so? Ahh... the graduation is starting. Go take your sit, pretty lady." Mrs. Kim chuckles, stroking my hair and I made my way to the front of the hall, where Aeyun and EXO are sitting.

Well, it seems like they have booked this seats for them and me.

"Are you gonna give a speech later?" Aeyun blinked at me. I shrugged, "I don't know. I have nothing to say."

Aeyun narrowed her eyes at me, "Yes you have. You're gonna say how much you love me as your best friend and how much you want Jongin back."

I glare at her. "Stop ruining my mood. Duh." She smirks and turn to her other side. Of course, cuddling with none other than the Oh Sehun. Gosh. I freaking envy seeing her with her boyfriend act all lovey-dovey in front of me. PDA.

"Let's say welcome to the final year students of XONITE High School!!" Our principal, Mr. Jae exclaimed through the microphone. The hall was echoed with our applaused.

"So, today is your graduating day and what do you feel? Sad? Happy? Excited? Angry?--"

"Hey," My focus was interuptted by Myungsoo sitting beside me. I beamed, "You're late." He smirks, "It's hard to waking Woohyun up in the morning, you know. On top of that, we had party last night."

Well, INFINITE and their party. The angel badass are going for a party, rather than the bully princes, EXO. How weird is that?

"Are your relatives coming?" I look at him. "My brother. You have met him last week when we were at Busan." He think about it for awhile. "Taehyung?"

I nodded excitedly. Taehyung oppa will see my life in Seoul for the first time and it is so nerves wrecking. What if he wants to stay at Seoul as well? Heck. I'll make sure that is not gonna happen. I'll never live in peace.

"Well, I'll ask his permission to date his sister." Myungsoo's dimples coming out as he grins, looking at me like I'm the most precious in this world into his eyes.

Nevertheless, I know he was just joking.



"Oppppaaaaa!!!" I skipping towards him and jump onto him, clinging on his arms like a coalar bear. He made an unpleasant face. "Why weren't you made a spceech? I have waited for it, you know."

I shot him a look. Why is everyone anticipating for my speech? It's not like I'm IU or Ailee to give a speech like I have won something. I don't have anything to say anyway for God's sake!

"What do you want me to say? Duh. Nevermind. It has ended anyway." I flipped my hair like a model. And that's when I realized majority of the female students were glaring at me, and they would stare at Taehyung oppa dreamily.

What the heck?

Taehyung smirks at them, and let them nearly melted on the floor before looking back at me. "You can say that you're so happy having a handsome brother like me."

I resist the urge to roll my eyes whole-heartedly but I can't. Gosh. So full of himself. Why am I even agree to be born as his little sister? I look around for Aeyun to introduce her with Taehyung but my eyes caught someone.

"JEON JUNGKOOK?!" I shouted to the boy that was not so far from where me and Taehyung were. He was struggling to run away from the female students. I burst out, laughing my ass out. He looks so priceless.

"Babbyyyy!!!" He dramatically reached for me upon realizing my existence and pouted. "Why are you laughing? You should help me from those clowns! OMG their faces full with make-ups! So fake!"

Jungkook said thoroughly with a disgust face. Taehyung smirks, "Just accept the fact that they chased after you just because I didn't look at them the way they look at me."

"GO AWAY KIM TAEHYUNG!" Me and Jungkook exclaimed silmutaneously.


I walk downstairs to grab some drinks for those idiots in my room that have been annoyed me for these passed few minutes ago. Especially Taehyung. Why am I agreed to bring them home?

As I take out two cans of coke from the fridge, a pair of arms slipped around my waist from behind. The hot breathe lingering on my neck sending shivers down to my spine.

"I'm waiting for your answer," Mutters him quietly, almost whispering. My jaw hang slightly when his lips moving from my neck to the back. "J-Jongin.." I managed to say than moaning.

"Please say that your feeling for me is still the same." He said. I didn't expected for him to remember our conversation when he was drunk last night. Or maybe he even doesn't drunk?

I yank his arms away and swiftly made my way to my room. I can't reply him yet. I just can't. I don't want myself to be broke again. Though I really know how sincere he was telling me those 3 sweet words but I still doubting.

"Why? Why are you looking so deep in thinking?" Jungkook is the first to notice me. Taehyung looks at me with a questioning face. "What's wrong?"

I just need space. For some times. For awhile. For myself. Far from him. Far from Seoul. Far from everyone. Far away. Just me. Myself.


One of my junior in drama club called me with 'exo unnie' lmao she is so cute ;_; she caught me as an EXO-L the time she saw my EXO keychain hahaha she is so cute I swear. And I laughed my ass off seeing how she was so amazed seeing me danced to call me baby today omg im gonna fangirling with her again tomorrow bye


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