This is Love

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"They're officially official."

Sungyeol announced as he opens the door of the room. "Who?" Asked Sunggyu who is currently strecthing his body from the deep slumber.

Yes. INFINITE were having a late party again last night and they're ditching classes to recover their sleeps time.

But still, their names would always be in the top 50 in every exams.

Sungyeol take a glance on Myungsoo who is too immersed into the tune of guitar he played to hear what will he tell to Sunggyu. He then cover his mouth with a hand, whispering at the awaken boy.

"Hana and Kai."

Sunggyu nodded his head before rolling back down on the floor to continue his sleep. "Pfft..." Sungyeol rolls his eyes due the lacking attention Sunggyu gave to him as he take a sit on his drummer set.

"I hear you." Myungsoo spoke out of the blue. "Heoool. What did you hear?" Sungyeol eagerly asked, wanting to see what will his best friend reacted to the latest news. As if he didn't know that Myungsoo has a tiny crush on Hana.

"They're official. Hana and Kai."

"And that's all your reaction?"

Myungsoo gazed up at his friend as his fingers stopped moving strumming the guitar. "Do you want to see me breaking this guitar in front of your sight, then?" Sungyeol nervously chuckled, waving his hand as a no and blew on his bangs. "No, it's okay. I don't want you to break down your eleventh guitar." He then mutters to himself slowly.

"Because you have broke all of your 10 guitar just because of Mijoo before."

"I heard that, too."

"Okay, I'll shut my mouth!!"



Chanyeol frowned as Baekhyun keep on mocking about how his face was. It was lunch break and EXO decided to play a game. Whoever lose in eating a bowl of ramen, there is punishment waiting.

And Baekhyun is the only member doodling on Chanyeol's face the most.

I chuckled. Damn they're so silly. "How it feels to hang out with us for the first time?" Dyo asks beside me. I was about to reply when Jongin beat me off.

"Excuse me. Please put me in your conversation too. I want to make sure that you won't talking bad about me in front of my girlfriend."

I almost squealing seeing Dyo rolling his eyes whole heartedly. Gosh I want to squish him like seriously. "Yeah. How did you know I want to gossipping about you with her?"

"Don't you dare, Kyungsoo."

"I'll tell her how casanova you are and how stupid you are in flirting with girls."

I was stucked in between them that currently bickering about whatever. Slowly, I snake out and made my way to the end of the table, where Sehun and Luhan were. They both were so silence since the first minute of lunch break.

"Yo, Hana." Luhan greeted me softly as I sat between him and Xiumin, across Sehun. "Why are you so down? Cheer up!" I tried to spirit up his mood while he just smile before gazing at Sehun.

"You, brat. Where is my best friend? She didn't came up in the morning classes and she even didn't reply my Kakao and I still haven't meet her anywhere today."

Sehun's eyes piercing on me. But he didn't open up his mouth to reply my question. Weird. He even didn't reacted when I talked about Aeyun.

"Let's go." Jongin reached for my hand and bring me to follow him. We arrived at the school garden after that and he pushed me down sitting on the bench.

Unexpected Love [EXO & INFINITE fanfiction] (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now