The Space Between

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The next day.

"Aigoo... how come a thief can sleep in my house?"

I heard grandma's voice in my dream. Heol. I probably missed her beyond words right now. I roll on my left and hugged a pillow, continue my slumber.

"Aigoo aigoo look at the thief, he is so handsome aigoo..."

Grandma's voice became clear. Furrowing my eyebrows, I hide my head under the pillow, blocking my ear from hearing grandma's voice anymore. It just making me missed her even more.

"Aigoo you're awaken, young thief?"

Loud screaming echoed in the house causing me to shot up in dizziness on the bed. Here is my 'wake up from sleeping sickness' again. Geeez. Who the heck that screams like he owned the world?!

"Don't ever enter my house again! Aigoo don't you know how to respect people? I'm not that rich for you to break into my house!"


I peek open my eyes.







Kim Jongin!

I hurriedly ran towards grandma's room beside mine -which I used for Jongin's room since grandma is not home- and saw he is on the floor laying on his stomach with grandma whiping his back using a broomstick.


Grandma stopped when she see me and I amble to Jongin, feeling guilty to the bones seeing him whimpering in pain on the floor. "Get up." I grip on his arm with my other hand supporting his waist. He groaned slowly, shutting his eyes.

Sure, broomstick. I'd a trauma when grandma hit me with it because I was a diehard when I'm in middle school. Even until now. It took me few days to talk again with grandma because I was so upset at her.

"You know him?" Grandma put down the broomstick and marched towards us that almost reached for my room. I sighed and nod, "I'll tell to you later." Before she help me to close the door, I smile at her. "I miss you, grandma."

She grinned and mouthing a 'sorry' to me.




Keep calm.

Be natural.

I inhaled very deep as Jongin lifted up his shirt and take it off from his body due to my instructed to heal his bruises on his back. And weird, he took it off without even teased me like he always does. Probably it pain him much.

I almost choked on my spittle as my eyes travelled down over his tan body. Heck. I still can't believe this buffalo has abs and V-line. I quickly look away before he could noticed as he slowly laid down on his tummy on my bed and I started.

"A little more."

I muttered to Jongin who is hissing loudly due to the soreness. Grandma's hit leaves three slight reddesh small bruises on his back. I wipe the bruises using an alcohol before serves an bandaid on it.

"Done." I put everything back in the emergency box and keep it back on the previous place-under my bed. I sat down on the floor, gazing up at Jongin who was sitting upright, ready to wear his shirt back but I restrain it.

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