Nothing's Over

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The fork and spoon move awkwardly in my hand. I peek at Jongin secretly who is eagerly eating the Honey Fried Chicken Wing in front of me. Oh, we're having a lunch together after we... yeah, kinda lost after he brought me to buy a handphone for me.

Duh. Never ever believe the Buffalo Kim Jongin to be my tour guard. Except the Prince Kim Myungsoo. Alright, speaking of Myungsoo...


Jongin lift up his face from the plate to look at me, waiting for me to continue what I want to say. Actually, I want to ask him why he want me to stay away from Myungsoo but nah...

"Aren't Mr and Mrs. Kim waited for us to have lunch together with them?"

Heck. I really has an ability to be an actress someday with those fake reason I gave. He shrugged his shoulder, "Maybe. Maybe not."

I narrowed my eyes at him, pointing my fork in front of his face. "Do you know the way back to the hotel?" He shrugged again, "Maybe. Maybe not." And continue raping the giant size wing. I don't know there are a chicken with this size of wing.

Okay. Whatever. I'll find the hotel with my own. Aeyun probably worried of me with Jongin. I'll make sure I could find the way back to the hotel. Maybe. Maybe not. Urgh.


Upon paying our lunch, Jongin casually walks away to somewhere. I don't know if I should believe him or not. All I want is, going back to the hotel. What if I followed him and end up we are lose even more?

No to the way!

"Ask for Aeyun or Sehun help." I slightly flinched since I was too focused of finding way to the hotel and he suddenly greeted me with that voice of him.

But, wait? Hah! He gave up his ego finally. I raised my eyebrows in amused, crossing my arms over my chest. "Well, you're finally admitted that you don't know the way back to the hotel?"

He scoffed, "I born in Seoul, for your information." He confidently said. I tched at him. "Alright. Call that Sehun guy." He furrowed his eyebrows. "I thought I was the one that asked you for Aeyun and Sehun help?"

I furrowed my eyebrows as well, "You think I remember Aeyun's phone number? And nah, I don't even want Sehun's number by the way." He hissed, rolling his eyes hardly and grabbed a fist of his hair.

"Then how can us going back to the hotel?!"

"You has your phone with you and just call Sehun duh!"

He pulled out the same type of phone as mine from his jeans pocket, showing it to my face so closely until it touch the tip of my nose.

"My battery is died."



"Where the annoying Kim Hana is?"

Aeyun hissed silently, blow up on her fringe. Later, she sent him a look but duh, the guy didn't even look at her. Grew bored, she poke his waist.

Sehun put down the magazine he read and look to the side, "Yes, my lady?" She couldn't help but to roll her eyes. "I'm bored." Sehun didn't give any response and continue reading. Geez, she thought.

Having no choice, she skipped towards the swimming pool in front of her that filled with 10 handsome guys. "Luhan!" She call out one of those guys while grinning, her dimple pop out.

"What the.." Sehun almost cursing. He quickly look to his right but Aeyun is nowhere to be seen. As his expected, his girl already went to the pool side, seeing Luhan swam towards her direction.

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