Real Story

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It've been half an hour for Jongin to pacing back and forth with Sehun watching him in curiousity. He swear if his cousin moving for another round he would just choked him to death after this.

"Can't you stop moving and let me reading in a peace." Protested Sehun. But heck, Jongin simply ignored him. Because his mind is too compact with Hana.

How should I make up with her?

As for the other guy, he almost throw the thick magazine beside him to Jongin but refuse too, remembering that Aeyun would possibly kill him later for making her best friend crying on Jongin's funeral.

"I have to go." Jongin spoke out of the blue and stormed out from the library right away. Sehun tched, shaking his head in disbelief and proceeding back reading the book in his hand.

"I don't care where are you going though."


"You still didn't make up?!"

Aeyun shrieked from the other line causing me to pull away a little from the phone. Ugh. Her high note of voice. Duh.

I sat on the edge of the bed, wiping my wet hair since I just coming out from the shower by Aeyun's calling. And she called me just to ask about me and Jongin.

And still, the answer is a no.

Even though he did joined me with Myungsoo in the last minute today but that doesn't mean we're already in a good terms since he was in his own world, tailing behind me like how Monggu did when I teasingly running from feeding itself.

I thought he was gonna say something to me because by the look on his face, he was totally suffering to talk to me. I'm not saying this for showing off but hello, it was reality. But instead, nothing came out from his mouth.

How on earth I opened up my heart for that guy anyway. Geez.

"Why are you asking?" Questioned me to Aeyun who has waiting for long on the line. "Nothing. I planned for double date tomorrow but I guess it will be only me and Sehun."

Heol. Did she just adding fuel to my fire? Trying to make me jealous with their perfect relationship? Gaaahh. I feel like crying right now. Aeyun then ended our conversation there saying she wants to prepare for her date tomorrow.

Lucky girl.

I laid on my bed with my legs hanging, when I saw Kai sitting while staring straight at me. "What?" I asked to the mute giant bear, feeling annoying. Right. I forgot to change his name though. Kai is so remind me of Jongin.

Sitting up straight, I grabbed the bear by neck, as if imagining that I'm choking Jongin instead. "You're a jerk." My palm flew to the right cheek of the bear, slapping it. And it went on with every dissatisfaction words I felt towards Jongin came out from my mouth.

"Ugh!" I groaned at the end, glaring at the bear before throwing it to a direction.


My eyes widen in terror, seeing Jongin cupping his right eye in pain on the doorframe. "Jo-Jongin.." I hurriedly marched towards him. "Why are you so rough?" He hissed, blinking his hurt eyes continuously.

I was pitied him at first but hearing him saying those words, I just feel like kicking him out of my room. "Get out." I said. He then scoffed, "You don't even greeted me visitting you here."

"I didn't asked you to come here though."

Silence. Hah! That got him maybe. We shared a stare for a few seconds before he broke it off but I'm still glued my eyes on him.

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